mavic r-sys

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New Member
Are these wheels really worth the money? I was borrowed a bike over the weekend with these on a found the ride brilliant, but i know mavic have had problems with them.


North Wales
-Very poor aerodynamics
-poor reliability (+ expensive to fix)
-catastrophic failure mechanism
-not that light for their price

Would you ride them? I might ride them, but no way would hand over any money for them, you might even need to pay me to ride them...


Well-Known Member
Given the catastrophic post-recall failure, Mavic's pathetic and evasive reaction to the situation (google it) and the less than amazing specs of these wheels, I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole.

OTOH if you like the ride and have a good dentist and strong clavicle, then by all means go for it.:rolleyes:



Über Member
South Norfolk
The biggest waste of R&D in cycling history IMO. Some of the images and videos of failing wheels are pretty spectacular.

+1 to all of the above.


New Member
Bedfordshire, UK
Personally, I wouldn't buy them for the recall fiasco mentioned above. However, you need to make your own mind up and seek out the opinions of those who actually own and ride these wheels, not a bunch of forumites who are just recycling what they've read on the internet.

Dan B

Disengaged member
I think the important question is : if you hang them up somewhere and then forget where they are, will you be able to find your r-sys with both hands?
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