Members with cars who commute to work on cycle in winter - how do you do it?

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Big T

Reliability is the key for me. It takes 20 mins to work and 30 mins home (I live at the top of a big hill). Varies by a couple of minutes according to wind strength/direction. The car can take anything from 15 to 40 minutes and I have to park it 10 mins walk from work and it costs £4 a day.

Riding in wakes you up and I have a nice hot shower at work. Bus takes 35 mins even if it's not busy.


Moortown, Leeds
Pah. Try 4hrs 20 minutes round trip ^_^ and I only live 5 miles from work :wacko:

I do that whilst naked in the snow!!


Cycle Camera TV
South Croydon
money and time. I would never drive to work, far too much waiting in traffic, congestion charge and extremely high parking charges.

Amanda P

Legendary Member
Travelling by bike makes me feel alive in a way that sitting in a tin box doesn't. I can feel the wind and the rain, see the season changing, see the stars, smell the ploughed earth (and the pigshit)....

Life just passes you by in a car. You might as well look it on telly.


Senior Member
Yes snow and ice means I take no risks there are some die hards on here whom will keep on going but not on my route

I cycled to work early this year when there were 2 inches of snow on the ground and it was still coming down. I've also been known to wear my Yaktrax to push the bike to the main road and then ride in primary (after taking them off first). Looking back I'm not sure why I did it, probably just because I can :biggrin: Not sure if I'll be doing it this year though.

I don't have a car anymore, but I used to cycle even when I had a car. My car broke down one week and when it got fixed on the Thursday I decided to still cycle on Friday just to make a week of it, even though it was pouring with rain :smile:


Huge Member
Fly Fifer
I cycled this year in about 2 inches of snow, it was stupid but I wanted to prove a point. Will I do it this year , not likely as it only takes someone in a car to lose control and yer finished. Doesn't matter about studded tyres etc they aint going to protect you!


what type of commute is it for you guys - if i rode in the winter 10 of the 15miles would be on a very dark cycle track in the middle of know where and i have to be honest that scares me a little - the main road in the winter is just a no no for me

if i use the track its 1hr into work and 1 and half home - the homeward bound includes 1300ft of climbing or 88.18ft per mile
I have to change my route home as it's through a pitch black deserted park. Unfortunately the alternative route is up a steeper hill that makes me want to cry sometimes!
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