Might I be overdoing it?

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Legendary Member
Three weeks into riding the fixie, I've developed a pain in my left calf. It's not that intense - more like a dull bruise in the muscle than anything sharp - but it's significant, and now that I think about it, has got steadily more so over the last few days.

Might I be overdoing it? As I say, I've been commuting on it, riding quite hard, and starting and ending each day by hauling up quite a steep hill. Steep meaning, if it was about another 20 metres, I probably wouldn't be able to reach the top. Might I be straining something, and should rest up or switch to a geared bike for a few days? Or is this just some kind of only-to-be-expected (and you'll get through it) sort of things. Has anyone else had the same experience.

It occurs to me that age could be a factor...approaching the half century.


New Member
You might be. Then again, perhaps not.

Cleat position?


More serious cyclist than Bonj
When i started to first ride fixed, my left knee started to ache. It was from skidding with toe straps i think, and just riding fixed when my knees werent used to a big-ish gear.
I went on holiday for 2 weeks and for the first few days, when i was in the car and wanted to move my foot/leg back/bend it at the knee i had to use my hand!
Anyway, after the 2 weeks i was fine, put clipless on it and did 60/70miles on it and wasnt too bad, then didnt really have much trouble after that.

Id say take it abit easy, and see how you go.
The 2 week break from fixed and being on geared helped my knees, and so did clipless i think.
They are alot better now though, dont really have much trouble.

Oh, actually, when i started to TT on the TT bike with a pretty big gear on, ig ot abit of a dull pain in my calf, nothing bad, and went after a few weeks.
What gear you on?


Legendary Member
Thanks for your responses. Interesting. Cleats, hmmm. Yes, come to think of it, I didn't give any great thought to position....just stuck 'em on and left them.

Someone hereabouts suggested a solution to finding 'the right position' that sounded sound - only problem is, where can I get plasticene?

Also taking it easy sounds like a good suggestion...think I'll go geared tomorrow and see how it goes.

Never really got those gearing formulas, but I have 42 on the front going to 16 at the back...?

Glad to hear it's not just me anyway!


42/16 isn't particularly high so it's unlikely due to riding a big gear. Think about cleat position on all your bikes, it's worthwhile. Fixed gear riding is tougher on your leg muscles, and uses more of them as well, so perhaps it's just a new sensation rather than anything bad.


More serious cyclist than Bonj
You got 70 inches. Im runing a couple bigger then yours.
I Started on 65".
If i were you, i would put a 17t on the back, to give you 66". You must find this helps, then when you are used to that gear back up to 70"

Just my opinion though. But i got achy knees in 65" till i was used to it.
I can now ride pretty much any gear and im fine.


Legendary Member
Thanks all. I'll think about changing the gearing, but as a first step I'm just giving it a few days off (came on the geared bike today) and making a proper effort to make sure the cleats are where they ought to be.


Well-Known Member
I had an on and off dull pain in my right hamstring. It's come back a bit since going clipless but damned if I can work out where my body wants to cleat to be moved to. I'm hoping I'll just get used to it and it'll go away.


Legendary Member
I took a few days off (went geared) & the ache has completely gone away. Hmmm...


nothing in moderation
i started with an 86" gear, which i've now swapped for an 83" gear. it was a choice of going up 3" or losing 3" when i put 27" sprint wheels on, so i went for a lower gear.
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