Miserable gits.

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Alan Biles

Senior Member
Not sure if this is the right forum but here goes.

I was cycling along the front at Bournemouth yesterday morning from Sandbanks to Hengistbury enroute from Swanage to Salisbury. It was about 9am so we were 'legal'. My cycling buddy and I couldn't help but notice how bloody miserable the cyclists were. We generally say "Good morning" or "Hello" to opposing traffic but in most cases just got a look and in some cases they totally ignored us. After a while we decided to see if anyone coming the other way would greet us. Not a chance, they were all head down, blasting away, oblivious to all. At one stage we saw there was going to be a conflict with a bunch of peds and some opposing cyclists so we slowed up and allowed the opposing traffic to come through. Not even a lifted finger in acknowledgement, never mind a 'thank you'.

Not really strong enough for a 'Soapbox' thread; more of an observation really.

I'll get back in my box now.



New Member
Deal, Kent
Know what you mean but on the other hand, you don't wave to cars on the road when you pass.

I'll just continue to say hello or wave then if they don't mutter under my breath, wa***r! :biggrin:


nothing in moderation
on my way in today i passed a chap on a bike at good speed, but not without a cheery "good morning" as i did so. turns out that the chap is a colleague on his first cycle commute in. what an arrogant plonker i might have looked if i'd just zoomed past without a word.

and i was gracious enough to concede that i'd not have been going as fast if i'd ridden as far as he had (after he complimented me on my speed).


Senior Member
Birmingham, UK
It's odd that isn't it? I tend to feel like most people are rather less friendly early on a weekday that at weekends - rather the opposite of what you say. I've pretty much given up trying to understand why some folk are so unfriendly!


A familiar topic - and often discussed before now. We just have to accept it - some cyclists - roadies and others - feel socially superior to us mortals and will totally blank you as they pass. But not all: I do often get a 'good morning' from a roadie going at speed in full team kit - and it's very welcome...

As it happens, by chance I passed a road race in full cry yesterday. Not the right moment for a cheery 'good morning': I certainly didn't try to distract the peloton as it swept past - what if I'd been responsible for a crash!

I will add, also, that if I ever have one of my 'bad days' and blank another cyclist on the road - if it's one of you say - I do apologise - in advance! It does happen: sometimes I do feel like sh!t.

By the way, what do you mean, Alan, by:
It was about 9am so we were 'legal'.

Big Bren

New Member
I'll nod with the best of 'em, but it does seem a bit unreasonable to say that anyone who doesn't is a miserable git. In real terms, you're nothing more than two people engaged in similar derivations of a popular past-time; you have nothing substantive in common, you don't know each other and you don't owe each other anything.

You may be a vivacious, confident and outgoing person who likes to engage with your fellow man - to the other fella, maybe you're just an irritating loudmouth, imposing your false good cheer on him, when all he wants to do is ride his bike in peace?!

Just a thought.



New Member
I go past 20-40 cyclists every morning, I see more going in the opposite direction too. And I'll encounter as many going home. Can't say hello to all of 'em.

I DID talk to one today. She slowly drifted past me and pulled right across in front of me, while I was wiating behind the white line at a red light. I was polite, but not cheery :biggrin:
Probably the milkman's missus Cab;). I find that it's not really practical to give a nod around the built up areas (unless its one of the 'regulars'), but once out in the 'open' I think that most respond favourably (apart from the odd outright roadie who has his mind on a different plane:rolleyes:).


N Ireland
Alan Biles said:
We generally say "Good morning" or "Hello" to opposing traffic but in most cases just got a look and in some cases they totally ignored us.

After a while we decided to see if anyone coming the other way would greet us. Not a chance,

I think that there are two issues here.

If you say hello to someone, whether on a bike or not, I think it is just plain rude if you don't get a reply. I would always wave back, or nod, if someone waves/nods to me.

As to speaking first, I think that differs with circumstance. I only bother to wave first if I recognise another cyclist, taking that attitude after being ignored so often when I first started cycling and waved to all cyclists. I didn't take offence, I just wised up to the fact that most other cyclists are complete strangers and they probably don't care to engage.


Senior Member
There are three "lolipop" persons on my commute. Each one gives a cheery "hello" as a waddle past.

One even joined in hurling abuse at a motorist who was Behaving Badly on one occasion!
Alan Biles

Alan Biles

Senior Member
Pete said:
By the way, what do you mean, Alan, by:


Can't cycle along the front from Sandbanks to Bournemouth between 1000 and 1800 during July and August. You can do the bit between the piers and then have to get off from Boscombe pier to Hengistbury/Southbourne. Hence the early launch from Swanage to get through before the 10am cut-off.

Big Bren,

Yes, I suppose 'miserable gits' was a bit OTT. I'll have to go back to my Human Factors training notes and remember to consider how others might see me rather than how I see me.

Just out of interest, Sunday was day 2 of a ride from Axminster to Salisbury with an o/night in Swanage. Amazingly, we managed to stay dry both days.



Thanks Alan.

Another odd incident. Make of this what you will. About a year ago.
There's me pootling along at my usual pace (slow), fine Sunday morn, narrow country lane, only about 1 car's width (lots of those round here!). Spot a bunch of roadies coming up behind. I'm in 'secondary' position, well over to the left, so no prob., thinks I. Strangely, the roadies slow their pace and hang back behind me, still in formation. Cheery 'good morning' from one of them. I 'good morning' back. Pause. Another 'good morning', a wee bit more emphatically, from a different one. 'Good morning' from me once more. After this goes on a bit, I get the vibes, I think. The underlying message from them. Which is: 'we don't single up for no-one, chum, so move over'. At least, that's what I think the hidden message is! I may be totally wrong of course, but there I am thinking, as they breeze past, 'hope they meet up with Farmer Giles and his herd of cows round the next bend - or his combine harvester'.

Anyway ... :biggrin::laugh::biggrin:

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
I normally try to acknowledge other cyclists regardless of what type of bike they are riding, however there are times when I'm deep in thought or whatever when I pass another cyclist coming towards me and don't acknowledge them, that's life I suppose. Of course in a town with many bikes and cars to contend with then saying hello is not really an option!!!!!!!!!!!!
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