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Chuffy said:
Would it be possible to have a Sticky with the current mods on it? There isn't a problem but it would be nice to know. Clear and open is always good.

yeah, it would make it less of the secret little insider's club that it is anyway.

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
Patrick Stevens said:
Good point. I've just suggested that redders has a less than perfect knowledge of economics, and I don't want to find out the hard way (instant banning :o) that he's a mod. :blush::blush:

Do you think we should invite him to set up a virtual gulag? 90% of Soapbox would end up in it.


BentMikey said:
p.s. you can "discover" mods and admins by trying to add users to your ignore list. Mods and admins can't be added.
That wouldn't have worked on ACF (don't even know whether SMF forums have an 'ignore' list in any case). The mods had separate login ID's which they were supposed to use only when moderating, alongside their normal personas. When I left they were "Mr Mod" and "Ms Mod" but things may have changed since. I often wondered whether these were simply two more of Sam W's many multiple-ID's - the guy really does seem to want to out-Alec Alec Guinness, out-Peter Peter Sellers, and out-Eddie Eddie Murphy, all in one!


Chuffy said:
Except they had talent. :blush:
Sam's probably quite a good actor. I rather fancy him in the lead in Richard III. You can be Hastings, I'll be Buckingham. Any other takers?


Chuffy said:
More of a Julius Caesar I'd have thought.

"Et tu Gertrude Blovius?" etc....:blush:
Nah - it's got to be Richard IMO.
Troll! I have set my login upon a cast,
And I will stand the hazard of the Spam,
I think there be six Bonj's on the Forum,
Five have I banned today instead of him,
A cleat! A cleat! My forum for a cleat!
User said:
Your anti-Sam Walker obsession is rather amusing. Perhaps its an unconscious expression of your 'unspeakable love' for Sam...
Nah, it's just handy to have a spare virtual pinata when I get bored of slapping Richard Littlejohn and Jeremy Clarkson around.

Maybe there should be a Spot Club for the permanently evicted. "Out, out damned spot" etc....:blush:
User said:
You sure..? I reckon you get a little excited, the old pulse races a little and you begin to quiver, whenever you type his name.

I bet you have a photo of Sam by your bed, which you kiss each night before you go to sleep.
I have a Little Sammy doll and I brush it's hair 100 times every night.:blush:


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
The reverse is just as true, of Sam's obsession with Chuftster I think. IMO it's just as bad and egotistical, but I'm not going to judge either of them over that particular issue.
BentMikey said:
The reverse is just as true, of Sam's obsession with Chuftster I think. IMO it's just as bad and egotistical, but I'm not going to judge either of them over that particular issue.
Cheers BentM, I think. True, I'll happily join in if there's a little bitching score settling going on, but that's as far as I take it, I certainly don't initiate anything. Thing is, long, long ago, before ACF took off (iirc), I stuck my old C+ handle into Google, as one does. It brought up a piece written by Mr Walker, an interview with himself no less. He was less than complementary about me in it and that pretty much set the tone for our future relationship. Heh, I've just gone looking for it again, to check the date on it, and it appears that he's interviewed himself again and is still picking at old scabs! Can't read it because the server appears to be down. So, to summarise, I make the odd snarky remark, if the context is appropriate, and Mr Walker turns to prose to ease the pain of my scorn. Kind of suggests the obsession is a sided, no?

Pete - in all seriousness though, we really should lay off this kind of stuff (amusing though it is). I wouldn't want any ACF members getting the idea that CC was just awash with anti-ACF feeling. The more of them come here, the merrier. I will if you will, deal?
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