Motability scooter knocks cyclist into river!

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Internet Marketing bod


Moortown, Leeds
Cyclist hating OAP's... I might just buy a week bus pass.


extimus uero philosophus
Reminds me of a few months back. I was riding on a fully seg' cycle path, people ambling up ahead so I ring the bell and hope the move over to the pavement.Nothing. Ring the bell behind them again. Nothing.

Someone looks around and says something about "ringing a bell, next time" to which a young girl behind me on the pavements pipes: "he did, you're walking in the f***ing cycle lane you idiot!" LOL!


Reminds me of a few months back. I was riding on a fully seg' cycle path, people ambling up ahead so I ring the bell and hope the move over to the pavement.Nothing. Ring the bell behind them again. Nothing.

Someone looks around and says something about "ringing a bell, next time" to which a young girl behind me on the pavements pipes: "he did, you're walking in the f***ing cycle lane you idiot!" LOL!

haha, years ago was in stockholm with my mate and walking into town, we're ambling along,, theres a ding ding and a ding ding... I look , grab my mate and yank him sideways "get out the floobing cycle lane you numpty" :smile:

he kept doing it......... I dunno!


extimus uero philosophus
Which pedestrians are perfectly entitled to do... cyclists are required to keep of pedestrian paths but pedestrians are required to keep out of cycle lanes on paths - particularly if the path has been converted for shared/dual use.

With regards to the mobility scooters, I am beginning to come round to the suggestions that they should be licensed and insured. It got shouted down when an MP suggested it, but it is becoming more obvious to me that there are issues that need to be addressed.

They may be entitled ...doesnt make things easy on bike riders. And it just leads to riders reverting to the road.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
many moons ago in Lancaster a lady in her 50's was fined for both speeding and drunk in charge of a mobility scooter... she was doing 8mph in a pedestrianised zone with a 4mph limit... now before you laugh, she knocked over an elderly lady who was then dragged by the scooter for a short distance. The elderly lady sustained cuts and bruises, never fully recovered, never left hospital and died a few weeks later.

I don't think that mobility scooters should be licensed or insured... but the drivers do need to take the vehicle they are in control of much more seriously.


extimus uero philosophus
And that's an issue how?

Its a constant stick to beat us with down here. The "perfectly good cycle path" not being used is often raised in PACT meetings, the local paper etc. Shared paths dont work imo and in my experience. It is after all considerate to keep them clear just as its supposed to be considerate for us to use them for the motorists sake


Senior Member
RemI inds me of a few months back. I was riding on a fully seg' cycle path, people ambling up ahead so I ring the bell and hope the move over to the pavement.Nothing. Ring the bell behind them again. Nothing.

Someone looks around and says something about "ringing a bell, next time" to which a young girl behind me on the pavements pipes: "he did, you're walking in the f***ing cycle lane you idiot!" LOL!

I had a similar experience a while ago. I'd popped to the bank on my bike during my lunch break at work, and was riding in the (clearly marked) segregated red cycle path on the pavement. There was a group of students from the local college walking in a group taking up the entire pavement including the cycle lane, walking towards me. The rest of the group moved to the side but one girl seemed determined to make a point of not moving, even though I was looking straight at her, until one of her friends pointed out that she was in the cycle lane :laugh:
There's a whole wide path for people to walk on, yet they seem to always want to walk in the cycle lane. I don't mind going around them but it's sod's law that they will probably change direction without looking if they haven't seen me :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
With regards to the mobility scooters, I am beginning to come round to the suggestions that they should be licensed and insured.

IIRC, if it's one of the scooters that can do 8mph, they need insurance.

Road ride

Cycle paths can be just as dangerous. some time back I was following a cyclist on a split cycle and pedestrian path, ahead was a group of people walking in the same direction as we were traveling, as the guy in front drew level with the group a large dog on an extending lead shot across the path and fetched him clean off his bike. Apart from a few cuts he was ok as was the dog but then he was set upon by the group for going to fast (which he was not) and not giving any warning !! It seems to me that no matter where a cyclist is they are in the wrong.


IIRC, if it's one of the scooters that can do 8mph, they need insurance.

Insurance is not a legal requirement, although strongly recommended. My ex had an 8mph scooter which was road legal. To use it legally on the pavement she was required to switch it down to 4mph max.


Über Member
South Liverpool
I was at Cheshire oaks a few yrs ago and saw a motability scooter come out of torrential rain and go straight through a shop window!! Lack of breaks due to weather I presume!!
Driving to my dad's house in Sunderland 2-weeks ago I passed an old geezer on a non road-legal mobility scooter ( little one with the small, skinny wheels) about 50 feet from the lights at which I then stopped.
I purposefully pulled slightly left to stop him coming up the inside as it woulda been dangerous.

I then watched - in amazement- as he, resplendant in woolly hat just about covering his eyes, squeezed past me on the inside then proceeded to RLJ causing a crossing car to veer!

Was telling my Dad and he said "that'll be ok'd Jimmy, crazy old bar-steward is dangerous.

Crazy old buggers are bad enough in cars... Give them a mobiscooter and they're a danger to society.
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