MTB & Bothy Nights

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Ssshhhhh! Don't inform people about Scottish bothies. Keep it a secret....

Bothies are rubbish. Damp, cold, uncomfortable and over-run with rats. Do not stay in them - ever. You won't enjoy it. :okay:

Not sure if you're aware, but the title is a take-off of a great wee book published umpteen years ago called "Mountain Days and Bothy Nights". A brilliant read if you're interested in some of the background, humour, and the characters of the scottish bothying scene.


I have used bothys for years, some are quite crappy, others are OK, the crappy ones usually have been used by the same fools that leave rubbish all over the countryside, having wild drunken parties, and not taking their rubbish away. One also has to remember they are not meant to be 5 star hotels, but a simple shelter for people to get out of the weather overnight.
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