My road to cycling

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Active Member
I was a couple of months ago intending to purchase my first road bike from planet X, but due to unforeseen health issues this has had to go on the back burner.

Due to requiring an emergency endoscopy, a lot of dysphagia and stomach pain I stopped exercising for a month and postponed purchasing a bike as I was unsure how long I would be off of work for. It appeared that my period of inactivity/prolonged sitting shorten/tightened my left hamstring so I went to see a sports physio using my health insurance last thursday. Whilst at home performing one of the quad and a glute strengthening exercises I was given I felt some discomfort on the inside of my left knee. Now I appear to be getting pain on the inside or front of my left knee and slight grinding on the outside of the knee.

I went with one issue and ended up with two. :@


Legendary Member
When do you see the physio again? Call her for advice


Legendary Member
Did you get advice from the physio on the support? You need one that is correct for your issues. Do you have a poorly kneecap too?

Not sure if a support is appropriate when you have weak/tight/short muscles already :smile:
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Active Member
When I mentioned I had bought a support she showed no sign of objection to it. She altered my strengthening/stretching exercises to ensure none of them are weight bearing to lessen the strain on my knee. She tested my knee , was happy it wasn't anything major and would resolve within a week if I continue to ice etc.I bought the support as I am currently on my feet a lot at work doing 12 hour shifts and I wanted to lighten the load on my knee.

She also cleared me to buy a bike just urged a little bit of caution and to continue my exercises. Just a shame Planet X took down the carbon bike with the ultegra groupset, will have to be sram rival or force when payday comes around.


Active Member
So today I did 12 hours on my feet, I came home then sat for 80-90 minutes doing my strengthening and stretching exercises. I foam rolled hamstrings/calves then followed this with two glute strengthening exercises (modified bridge and the "clam") Stretched hamstrings, quads then back to hamstrings. Finished off with achilles/soleus and gastroc stretches. My ball for myofascial release should be here tomorrow, I am very sceptical about the potential benefits of this technique but I am willing to try anything.I seem to be experiencing an inordinate amount of pessimism with regards with my therapy, I also have no idea the time frame I should be expecting for my recovery.
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