Need to vent....

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This week has been one of those weeks...

tl;dr: I fell off and broke clothing only

Yesterday leaving work had a slow puncture - could ride a third of a mile or so before grounding the rim.

Swapped tube for spare last night and thought no more of it.

This morning dawned bright and not frosty - or so I thought... set off completely uneventfully. Going down hill I noticed a couple wheeling their bikes... funny I thought and carried on...

Suddenly I was on the path when I had just looked at the brakes whilst attempting to slow down for what turned out to be a fellow cyclist in a heap... he was in a heap because of the black ice, I was then sliding along, stretched for about 200 yards or so.

So the nice sealskin waterproof gloves I have are distinctly not waterproof in the left hand palm, and nor is my Altura jacket :sad:

Thanks for listening - now I am off to the pub for anaesthetic


East Yorks
Careful in the morning then BenM, freezing forecast (+hangover?) ;)


Thanks for the comments chaps,

It's morning - hangover non existant cos only had time for a couple before going to the cinema - anyone who likes very dark British comedy should see Sightseers :smile:
Definitely no broken stuff other than Jacket/glove - they died in a good cause :smile: - but muscles are still very achy. Driving today cos I am a wimp.

Stay safe out there boys and girls.... /me looks longingly at Ice trikes...



Internet Marketing bod
What a giant skidder!

Glad you're not hurt, I've was looking at the BSO riders with their fat and half flat tyres this morning thinking they're probably wiser in these conditions than I am on my single speed with my tyres like elastic bands.
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