New bike time

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New Member
Fife borders
I spend a fair amount of time with the HR team at work and they think the Cycle to Work scheme will be introduced in the next 6 months or so, probably with Edinburgh Cycle Co-op.

Now I really fancy a Kaffenback, but don't know if they will be able to supply it, so what are my other choices?

I want something that will take full guards, a rack, probably with drops (I spend most of my time on my bar ends on my hybrid) and suddenly realised how much I hated my aluminium frame when I rode my old steel framed 80's racer when at my parents a few months ago. Also, as always, somthing that is a bit faster than my Ridgeback Velocity would be nice.


keep this thread up to date, I'm idly trying to find something nice for £500-£800 that can take full guards and rack and panniers and London potholes

fat bloody chance of cycle to work here, they look at me like I'm suggesting everyone's first born being sacrified


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I'm trying to get cycle to work introduced here but HR have currently stopped the idea as the bikes are technically the companys and there could be an insurance issue should one of the cyclists crash into someone or car etc. Even the sports dept (uni) can't get anywhere as they have had maybe 100 enquiries about the scheme. Got to tackle the new environmental officer as we are supposed to have a green travel policy coming in. Getting a cheaap bike would be so beneficial to lots of staff.


New Member
Fife borders
I'm lucky in that I work for an environmental organisation. At the start of the our Travel to Work plan the survey showed that 70% of us use public transport, shared cars or cycled. The consultant must of thought we were all lying, but the truth is we are in such a poorly paid sector we can't afford cars!


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
Ranger said:
I'm lucky in that I work for an environmental organisation. At the start of the our Travel to Work plan the survey showed that 70% of us use public transport, shared cars or cycled. The consultant must of thought we were all lying, but the truth is we are in such a poorly paid sector we can't afford cars!

Shame that they can't afford a decent bike shed either, still just have to go on using the "official visitor" Sheffield stand by reception...
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