New power source?

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I think I've had an idea for a new source of power....

All we'd need to do is strap these things to all the cows in the UK and collect the gases on a weekly basis. From the methane we would be able to generate electricity, whilst converting the methane to CO2 (reducing the greenhouse effect).

I think this is a brilliant idea! ;) My only niggling concern is cows exploding in thunderstorms, but once I have that problem solved..........:biggrin:

Mr Pig

New Member
Couldn't do that around here, the kids would blow them up!
bonj said:
What's wrong with the odd cow exploding? It's not like they're an endangered species.

Have you any idea how much poo is in a cow at any given time? I was in the U.S. some time ago and arrived at a scene of an accident where a cow had wandered onto the road and been hit by a truck, very messy, mainly poo.
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