New RLJ-ing motorist behaviour observed

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Velo, boulot, dodo
Pretty common for a couple vehicles to slip through the red when I'm turning right into work at a crossroads in the morning. It's one of those junctions where I can wait in the middle for a gap, or, more usually, for the lights to go red and stop the traffic.

Today was looking typical; one goes through on amber, next on red, the one following that slowed and flashed me to let me know he was stopping.

Like thanks.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
palinurus said:
Pretty common for a couple vehicles to slip through the red when I'm turning right into work at a crossroads in the morning. It's one of those junctions where I can wait in the middle for a gap, or, more usually, for the lights to go red and stop the traffic.

Today was looking typical; one goes through on amber, next on red, the one following that slowed and flashed me to let me know he was stopping.

Like thanks.

I hope you conveyed the full force of your ironic last remark in a cheery, yet despising wave?:biggrin:


I'd love to agree but I can't, see cars jump all the time, but most of them stop, I can't say the same for cyclists sadly

I see more cyclist jump than cars and I see a higher proportion of cyclists jump cars than cars


Driving up to a narrow bridge with traffic lights to control the flow with 2 cars in front of me. The lights turn red as the leading car is about 10 yards away and stopping. The car behind then overtakes him before jumping the red. Inevitably we catch up with him at the next junction. Whats the point.


because you can always hope to get greens after the red

and worse case he's a one car further ahead


Ive always noticed a marked increase in RLJing (by cars) at rush hour...its like every second counts. There are several sets of urban traffic lights on my ride. Any other time of day, drivers tend to obey....but when traffics heavy, its like another set of rules apply. Another reason to be even more alert at these times.

Lack of police presence is one reason. We have the same with drivers using bus only sections within housing estates. Other drivers see people do it...all of a sudden 'everyones' doing it...not literally, but you get the gist.
Theres hardly any chance of getting caught.
The irony is, as a cyclist using the bus only sections, i get miffed when i see cars doing it.....but am i any better than the

Its also interesting when in other countries. Cyprus for instance, drivers will constantly RLJ if theres no opposing traffic....any time of day. Its 'normal'.

Similar story, not quite as bad in Greece, but i found drivers in Spain to be pretty law abiding.


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
Far far more drivers would jump lights if the car in front didn't prevent them from doing so by blocking their access to the junction.

Already 1 in 10 cars, and 1 in 5 buses jump lights in London. On my route there are more motor vehicles than cyclists jumping lights.


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
Sat and watched a car drive through red and across a junction on the way home tonight, steaming across the cycle/pedestrian crossing that was on green at the time. Luckily people weren't on it.

Driver waiting at the red going the other direction flashed the idiot as she passed him. He was swearing too, from the looks of him, but the woman wouldn't have heard it anyway.

I often wonder what pathetic excuse they'd come out with if they mowed down and killed someone who was crossing on the green man. They'd no doubt get off with a slap on the wrist and a small fine. Grrr. :biggrin:


I got hit by a motorcycle in the middle of a pedestrian crossing many years ago, so it's not a new thing! All the cars were stopped, he was overtaking the queue and didn't bother stopping at the red light. I wasn't hurt, but I walk quite fast and there were women with children crossing at the same time, just a step or 2 behind me. Could've been a child in a pushchair he had hit.
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