New Year Goals

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New Member
Hi All,

long time Lurker, new time member here.

Just wondered if any of you lot have goals for 2010?

I'm planning to stop being so lazy and do the commute every day, all this snow and ice has made me soft and rely on das auto far too much.

Also hoping to get the 8 mile ride down to 25 minutes (28 mintues is the current PB). Don't how that'll happen, but we've all got to aim for something - right?


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Don't get put off by snow and ice....... better to live and fight another day..... ride when conditions less bad...

There isn't much that put's me off, but snow and ice is it.... TBH you usually lose about 5 days a year being cautious....

My goals are to get into Sportives (locally) and get into TT'ing again - probably the week day club events and see how it goes...then get 'serious again' ...within reason....


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
1) Cycle a century.
2) Only take the car when the bike isn't sensible (large loads)
3) Start timing myself again to see what the new bike has done to my journey time.
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