No Wiggo for TDF, WTF!

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Cat 6 Racer
I've long tried to cling to the belief that Wiggo and Froome are professionals who can put personal differences aside for the good of the team. Guess this proves me wrong once and for all.

The fact that Wiggo wasn't picked for the Dauphiné was a massive hint (presumably that's the team that will start the TdF), but I kind of hoped his omission was a more strategic decision. Shame. The choice of team leader for the TdF is a no-brainer but Wiggo in current form would have been a very useful domestique for Froome.

This story is non-news but at least it clears up any lingering doubts.


Legendary Member
you forgot to mention Andy Schleck there :laugh:



Active Member
to be fair, froome is the better rider,, froome could have won in .2012 but was called back on numerous occasions to help Bradley
also the 2012 course was quite time trial heavy which played into wiggos hands


...Chris Froome, now if he doesn't win...
Oh god. Can you imagine the endless "Would Wiggins have Won" hypotheses if Froome doesn't.

Spoked Wheels

Legendary Member
to be fair, froome is the better rider,, froome could have won in .2012 but was called back on numerous occasions to help Bradley
also the 2012 course was quite time trial heavy which played into wiggos hands

Exactly. I felt, watching Wiggo's interview just a few weeks ago that he was ready to play the supporting role this time just as Froome did 2 years ago. Something must have happened since that interview, maybe Froome's book, who knows?

I don't know much about pro cycling but I feel that Froome is the more complete rider of the two and Wiggo couldn't have won the TDF without Froome. Wiggo has certainly gone down in my estimation with his attitude, he owes Froome a favour.

I've just watched the interview on BBC and it seems this is Sky call rather that Wiggo's in which case it would be wrong of me to say that Wiggo has gone down in my estimation.
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Kilometre nibbler
Oh god. Can you imagine the endless "Would Wiggins have Won" hypotheses if Froome doesn't.

Well, he wouldn't. Cos there aren't enough TTs. BUT ... the "would Froome have won with Wiggins in the team" hypotheses could be more heated.

Could be interesting. Probably won't happen, but I rather hope it does.

Spoked Wheels

Legendary Member
Could have, should have, would have... but didn't....

I think you know that is not so simple. There were teams orders. I still remember when Froome was called back and stay with Wiggo when Froome could obviously go faster than Wiggo. it was later explained that the strategy was for Wiggo to win the tour, nothing else was important. Cav left Sky because of that, with Sky, the emphasis was to win tours not so much individual races.
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