Norfolk Ride

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Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
wafflycat said:
May I remind The Doctor of the saying, "Who wants to cuddle a bag of bones on a cold winter's night..."

I don't know, Waffles Not me for damn sure! I expect someone will cuddle me though:biggrin:.
And feast your eyes on the size of TheDoctor, as he won't be that big again. Nothing drastic, just more exercise, less food and a lot less chocolate. Still dropping close on a kilo a week. Still terrified of that recumbent too!:evil:
*hides from strange scary bike*


Über Member
As you can all see Wafflycat riding behind me
always trying to grab my red dangly bit
and as for the blow jobs I'll tell after the 9pm watershed


Über Member
South Norfolk
Thanks bottlemsher for organising that....the ride was good and Mike's workshop was really something!

The 2 wheeled recumbent was a bit wobbly for me, but the acceleration that you guys could put on was pretty cool.

Attached pic is a cropped down work by Longshanks....(L-R: Mr Wafflycat, shooter560, me, Wafflycat jr, handcyclist). That handcart was a nice piece of engineering, but I doubt my upper body strength could power that along anywhere near as fast as he did it!


New Member
Handcyclist is one seriously impressive cyclist. That's hardwork and make no mistake.
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