Oi! Chuffers!

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New Member
You are immortalised :eek:

Oh I say!
Is that down in Cornwall perchance? Baggy and I found a cafe called Chuffers when we did an audax down there a couple of years ago. Didn't have a camera handy though....


rich p said:
No offence Chuffers old chap but isn't 'chuff ' slang for (ahem) pudenda?:evil:

It would be a bit crass if your user name was in fact a slang name for pudenda :biggrin:
The Velvet Curtain said:
It would be a bit crass if your user name was in fact a slang name for pudenda :evil:
Bertie Wooster had an Uncle Chuffy and I'm damn sure that PG Wodehouse wouldn't use lady parts for any of his character's names.
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