Ok I need some wipers on my glasses

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New Member
Riding in heavy rain recently I had to remove th eglasses because I couldnt see a thing, which defeated the entire object in wearing cycle glasses in the first place. There must be a way to clear the rian off the glasses??

Elmer Fudd

Miserable Old Bar Steward
I hate to say this but I go chav and put a baseball cap on.


N Ireland
Back in my m/cycling days I kept my visor clear by using a piece on chamois that I stitched round the thumb of my glove. I don't bother with my cycling glasses as I avoid continuous rain where I can - I only cycle if the weather is dry or, at worst, showery(an advantage of being retired)!


New Member
Bromley, Kent
theres never any reason to wear glasses in the rain unless their prescription as grit and flys don't fly in the rain, And I've never known the rain to hit my eye, maybe get a visor on your helmet


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Must get that cap.... taking glasses off is a no no for me as I can't see without them..

You do get used to it, but I tend to slow down a little in pouring rain as well


Master of all he surveys
I'll say it again, just smear the lenses with cat crap.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Rain x - works real well on my side and rear screens on the car, but not advised on front screen - smears - but on cycling glasses...... 20 mph enough wind to blow the rain off.... probably not ?

Anyone wish to test ?


Cat Crap kind of works (if I remember to put it on the outside of my lenses as well !). However dirty or muddy water still sticks.
As I've now run out of crap I've been using a drop of finish line (wet) and buffing it out a bit.
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