Olympics Marathon

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New Member
Yarm, Cleveland
Cos athletes like Paula Radcliffe keep stopping and walking for a bit then crying then sitting down, then standing back up and running slow as poss to the end.


New Member
Indeed. The news this morning has been full of the poor, brave, gutsy Paula line for coming 23rd in the face of adversity whilst virtually ignoring the British runner, Mara Yamauchi, who came sixth, the highest finishing position a Brit has ever come in the Olympic marathon. I can't understand why PR was allowed to run at all given her current injuries, lack of training and fitness.


Started young, and still going.
There was a good interview with Chris Boardman and Ross Edgar on the Beeb this morning, and Adrian Chiles asked him what the secret of the cycling teams success was. His reply was along the lines of, for the Olympics, if a member of the cycling team was not up to winning a medal, that person did not get picked. I know that the cyclists have a lot of strength in depth so it may make selecion a bit easier, and if this was applied to the track and field team, we might not even send a team. Maybe the athletics selectors should look at the way the cycling team is organized and use them as a template for the future.
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