On three mobiles and in a bus lane

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View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfofOmznWUc

Pity he didn't knock on the window of the police vehicle. Might have caught the driver red-handed.

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I know video clips like this is not everyone's cup of tea, but if it's not highlighted it will never change and the recent examples of not just cyclists getting injured or worse will continue. This behaviour is a massive risk to all of us.

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
Hopefully something will be done about this selfish, lawless cretin who was filmed by a cyclist driving in a bus lane and using three mobile devices.

Or the judge and jury will just think "that could have been me", and let him off, because self-interest trumps justice any day. It's pretty obvious mobile phone use in cars has become socially acceptable, regardless of what the law or common sense says.
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jonny jeez

Legendary Member
I mean i couldnt cope with the traffic.
Ah, Honestly its not that bad. so many of the roads in London have bus lanes and more and more now have segregated cycle ways (which I love hate in bizarrely equal measure).
The overriding factor though is awareness. If you travel in London you EXPECT others to do so as well. drivers are so much more aware of cyclists than in the more suburban and rural parts of the country.I promise you I feel safer in London than out on a country lane in Kent...or at lease just as safe.

don't get me started on traffic lights though.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
Or the judge and jury will just think "that could have been me", and let him off, because self-interest trumps justice any day. It's pretty obvious mobile phone use in cars has become socially acceptable, regardless of what the law or common sense says.
Do you really think that.

I find the opposite. I'm surprised at how socially unacceptable it has already become and not just in the cycle fraternity.

Many of my friends are fairly sanctimonious about drivers with mobiles, despite the fact that until the government made it officially "dangerous" and naughty they felt it was perfectly safe to drive with one in their hand.

I'm using the royal "they" here, which also means me.


Charming but somewhat feckless
It's still ignored by a substantial number of drivers.
Last week alone, Met Police traffic officers reported 4,878 drivers for using hand-held mobiles.


And that's just one traffic department in one area.
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