over 50 back on the bike but heart pounding

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New Member
Northern ireland
Hi everyone I'm Frank
I'm 51 and when I was in my early days i was never off the BMX and at 18 did the 200mile maracycle here in Ireland so I was fit. But in my 30-45 I lived an unholy live of smoking and drinking. At 49 I cleaned up and eating plant based diet so last month at 51 I got a hybrid bike. Great machine all alloy. Now I live in Northern Ireland and its really hilly so I started easy just the odd short hill and the whole cycle was 30 mins. I came home bit out of breath and heart thumping a bit and slowed after 5 mins. I go out every day but missed a few days and got back on and really whent for it and got home from the same ride 30mins one steep short hill and when I got home my heart felt it was going to pop out of my chest. This lasted for a good 5 mins, I have never felt that before. I though my heart was ok as I got a blood pressure and test and doc checked my heart out but it seems I took it too far. Should I cut the hill out or get a heart monitor watch ....I'm just need some advice as I love getting back on the saddle.


You are over doing it, trying too hard. There are several ways to get fit on a bike. By far the easiest is just to ride at a pace where you are slightly breathing above normal. This is zone 2 region. You ride in this zone increasing time from 30 mins upto multiple hours after several months.

You can get a heart rate monitor to check the heart rate and back off when it moves out of zone 2/3.

Starting riding in your fifties is not difficult but you need time to achieve a base level of fitness, so you can then build lots more power and speed. It doesn't happen overnight.

Make sure your bike has easy gearing, so you are not struggling to turn the pedals on steep hills.

Be patient and enjoy riding


Wheely World
You may need to change the gearing on your bike to make hill climbing easier if you are using the easiest gear. My old road bike was originally hard work up some hills until I changed the rear cassette. My new gravel bike with easier gearing climbs steep hills even off road so far fine.

There is one very steep road hill locally I won’t go up without pushing part of the way as my body reacts badly to it near the top at the steepest part, no other hill does this. I just avoid it but happily go up into mountains on my mountain bike fine.

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Warm-up proprly by riding gently for at least 15 minutes before increasing effort. Ride at acoace where you can still hold a conversation. Build-up gradually and you’ll get there. It takes tume getting cardio-fit when you’re older. Be patient, smell the flowers along the way....


New Member
Northern ireland
Thanks for the advice, I will give the hill a miss until next year and keep on flatish ground for a while, I also ordered a heart monitor watch with an app so I can keep track of things.


An Peanut
Thanks for the advice, I will give the hill a miss until next year and keep on flatish ground for a while, I also ordered a heart monitor watch with an app so I can keep track of things.

Just be a little careful with a watch. Heart rate measurement via a watch is very unreliable on a cyclist's wrist. I assume something to do with the angle when cycling. You may need to have it slightly further up the arm and slightly tighter to get an accurate reading. A chest strap is far superior.


Go steady and slowly build up as you go. Do it by markers, lamp post, gate post etc. No harm in resting as you go if you feel it's too much stop enjoy the view have a drink and ride to the next point you pick. Soon you will well away


West Yorks
As others have said, there’s no shame in stopping part way up a hill for a breather, don’t overdo it, as time goes on you will find yourself able to get up in one go, then increasingly quicker, it’s a bit dodgy to say the least straining the heart a bit too much.


I always found cycling soon, sometimes very quickly, can bring to your attention an underlying virus you weren't even aware you had. Theres been times (rarely thankfully) I felt fine, set out on the bike then crashed (not literally but physiologically) soon after. The exertion hits you much harder than normal. Possible cause ?
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