Over 60 is Sh*te

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Senior Member
Well, not exactly.

When you're over 60, things start to happen.

If you live in London, you get a Freedom Pass - travel anywhere on the tube, bus or local rail (after 0930) for free. It's brilliant.

You can apply for a Senior Rail Card, so if you want to journey beyond London, you can get 30% reduction.

An application form for Winter Heating Allowance came through the door .. it seems that, willy nilly, I'm going to get £200.

My Bowel Cancer kit arrived. What? Yep. From a caring NHS, a little package came throgh the door. It's a kit to detect early signs of bowel cancer. You have a thing like a scratch card, with three sets of windows; on three separate occasions, you collect a fresh sample of stool, and with the little cardboard spatular that comes with the kit, you smear a sample on one of the windows. There is a helpful leaflet. You mustn't collect stool out of the toilet bowl, it might be contaminated. So (it says in the leaflet), use several pieces of folded toiltet paper, or put your hand inside a small plastic bag, or use a disposable plastic glove. And sh*t into it! So there you are, perched on the lavvy, toilet papered/plastic baged/gloved hand poised, full;scratch card thing on one knee, instruction leaflet on other knee. And your wife bangs on the door to say that your brother's on the phone.

I suppose it's worth it!

I wonder what happens when you're 70?



New Member
You can also get a prostate check through your blood test for early sign of cancer in that area. NICE!!
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