Parachuters ?

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
I've done Air Kix a few times, but no way would I chuck myself out of a perfectly good plane.

The nurses were telling my about a para glider that broke her spine with a bad landing - crashed into a stone wall. She's given it up now. Hmm, I'm getting back on the bike... hmm. :ohmy:


Legendary Member
I did just one jump...........many years ago. The training seemed very thorough and we were told that if the main chute failed we simply released the 2nd one. Not saying that is correct...........just what we were told.
I really enjoyed it and would have taken it up but everything was such a pain. I travelled to Cumbria (90 minutes minimum) 3 weeks on the run only to find the cloud cover was too low.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
The nurses were telling my about a para glider that broke her spine with a bad landing - crashed into a stone wall. She's given it up now. Hmm, I'm getting back on the bike... hmm. :ohmy:
A mate of mine was getting into hang-gliding until the wind changed suddenly immediately after he launched himself off a steep hillside. The glider lurched over to one side and slammed him into the hill. He got away with cuts and bruises but that was the end of his hang-gliding life!
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Legendary Member
When there is wind and this can affect the drop, there is a need to test for the drift and position the aircraft to optimise the jump. It can also be dropped with the drop to allow alterations whilst dropping

This is a weighted object with a "partial chute" so it descends quicker and spirals.

Has been mistaken before as a failed parachute
Never thought of that...but, it was descending with the last two jumpers of around six and landed seconds ahead of them. That means given the speed, it would have been released well well after all of the jumpers, so not likely.
I do suspect someone had a failure, jettisoned it and released their emergency chute, landing with no further drama. The centre did mention an emergency chute and nothing has made any news ive gladly, all seems well.


Legendary Member
I did just one jump...........many years ago. The training seemed very thorough and we were told that if the main chute failed we simply released the 2nd one. Not saying that is correct...........just what we were told.
I really enjoyed it and would have taken it up but everything was such a pain. I travelled to Cumbria (90 minutes minimum) 3 weeks on the run only to find the cloud cover was too low.
Did you do yours at Cark, trained by a big fat ex military bloke?


Rollin' along
I did a tandem parachute jump the other year (Black Knights near Ormskirk, Lancs - hell of an experience but i'm happy for it to be a one off) as part of their: it's ok you won't die: briefing they advise that there's an automatic release unit that triggers the chute or reserve, if the main one is gone, at 2000 feet irrespective of human intervention.

I guess if both have gone by 2000 feet then you're stuffed.

The handles do make a heck of a difference to how fast you can fall and how ragged or out of control you can look, quite a stomach lurcher to pull one side a bit too hard and suddenly see you feet whizzing up past your head while the experienced lad with you has a 'kinel don't do that' moment with you ;)

it could also have been that the slower fallers were having their jump filmed and it was the camera person falling further faster to get onto the ground ready to film them coming down. the speed people drop away from you when your canopy opens and theirs doesn't is phenomenal.


Rollin' along
I've done Air Kix a few times, but no way would I chuck myself out of a perfectly good plane.

The nurses were telling my about a para glider that broke her spine with a bad landing - crashed into a stone wall. She's given it up now. Hmm, I'm getting back on the bike... hmm. :ohmy:
The lad that filmed my jump fell flat on his face upon landing, my wife saw him do it and as we were waiting for the DVD at the end, she asked him and he told us it was his first week back at work, 6 weeks after breaking his leg in several places near-crash landing in South Africa.


The lad that filmed my jump fell flat on his face upon landing, my wife saw him do it and as we were waiting for the DVD at the end, she asked him and he told us it was his first week back at work, 6 weeks after breaking his leg in several places near-crash landing in South Africa.
I remember there was a fatality in Australia, when an experienced jumper filming a newbie just forgot to deploy his chute. The cheerful footage of the jump going well made it to the news - it was cut before impact. Sounds like that can't happen anymore.


Legendary Member
Not since I was a child and made toy parachutes using a hankerchief, string and an object of suitable weight, like a model soldier or small stone.
Used to have endless fun throwing them out of my kitchen window 3 storeys up...well perhaps not endless fun as the stair climbing got a bit tedious.^_^
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Not since I was a child and made toy parachutes using a hankerchief, string and an object of suitable weight, like a model soldier or small stone.
Used to have endless fun throwing them out of my kitchen window 3 storeys up...well perhaps not endless fun as the stair climbing got a bit tedious.^_^
Did you ever make paper plane helicopters?


(you don't need the clip, just fold the end up)
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Not since I was a child and made toy parachutes using a hankerchief, string and an object of suitable weight, like a model soldier or small stone.
Used to have endless fun throwing them out of my kitchen window 3 storeys up...well perhaps not endless fun as the stair climbing got a bit tedious.^_^
My Actionman used to find himelf hurled off many an elevated structure
I did a few static line jumps as a teenager - also with Black Knights. Gave it up as it soon became apparent that it was not a viable hobby for a 6th former with no job and no car. If you leave it too long between jumps you have to do the initial training all over again.
My son did his initial training for his 16 th birthday and has done several jumps over the last year. Unfortunately, the 150 mile round trip to Brigg, the need to be there for 8am and his A'levels have got in the way and he has had to stop too.
I used to take my bike, drop him at the airfield and go for a ride.
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