England : Derbyshire Peak District incl Holme Moss Saturday May 30: 0900 start

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Norven Mankey
:laugh::laugh: Sorry Nick, I'm just pulling your leg. I will be there barring a calamity in the Skol household.

Do you think I will miss a chance to stand at the top of the hills, tutting, while pointing at my wristwatch and asking 'what took you?' :whistle:

Right, for that you've got a special route, just for you. Instead of the nice gentle Abney climb to Great Hucklow, you're doing Sir Willam Hill

Here's Abney

and here's Sir William Hill

We'll see you at the top, enjoy yourself :hello:


Last of the Summer Winos
Right, for that you've got a special route, just for you. Instead of the nice gentle Abney climb to Great Hucklow, you're doing Sir Willam Hill
We'll see you at the top, enjoy yourself :hello:

Bastard probably would.... especially if it has steps on it :smile:


Norven Mankey
I had a little run out today to try the "kestervan variation"



Last of the Summer Winos
Oooo look - you can see my house from there :smile:

Cracking weather for it.... what I could see out the office window anyway :sad:


Think I'm going to pull out of this one - I've not had the time to get my hilly legs up to where I'd be comfortable. Reckon I can do the distance and the hills, but I don't think I can do it at the speed you are hoping for. I'll end up spending the whole day winding myself up that I was holding everyone up. I'm planning on becoming a hard man soon, but it seems not soon enough for this ride ^_^

Might take a look at Colins ride, it looks like not quite so many hills and he's anticipating a slower speed which would work better for me I think.


Norven Mankey
Think I'm going to pull out of this one - I've not had the time to get my hilly legs up to where I'd be comfortable. Reckon I can do the distance and the hills, but I don't think I can do it at the speed you are hoping for. I'll end up spending the whole day winding myself up that I was holding everyone up. I'm planning on becoming a hard man soon, but it seems not soon enough for this ride ^_^

Might take a look at Colins ride, it looks like not quite so many hills and he's anticipating a slower speed which would work better for me I think.

Ok, understood. A couple of points before you perhaps make a final decision:
1) I don't know who will finally come on the ride but I hope folk wouldn't mind me saying that 13mph probably isn't what we're going to do based on Expressions of Interest. It'll be slower but I do want to keep it reasonable. The idea is we all roll along together, for the climbs we do our own thing and we'll regroup at the top. I certainly won't be the fastest (@I like Skol @BRounsley) so there will be some waiting for me too. Maybe some of those planning to do the ride can let you know what sort of pace they can manage?

2) There will be a couple of bail-out options. Whilst everyone wants to do the full ride, there will be routes back to Glossop to give 30 mile and 50 mile rides instead of the full 66 miles

3) It will be a proper social ride. By that I mean we will work hard up the hills, but we'll have a decent café stop at 25 miles and then another at 50 miles. Certainly won't be grinding each other into the tarmac

Oh, and finally we'll only do it if we are going to get decent weather. It's not like Llandudno where we had hotels, trains etc. It's a ride in rather exposed countryside so it's only on if the weather's OK. If not, I'll postpone
On a ride of this length and amount of climbing I would probably average about 14-15mph without the stops. But with things like this, I realise that there will be people that are faster and people that will be slower, I am happy to wait at the top (or at the bottom on the other side if there is not shelter at the top.)
What sort of time are you thinking of starting the ride?


Norven Mankey
About 9am but if anyone is coming to Glossop by train then I'll shift this very slightly to fit in with train arrival times. Trains arrive 0847 and 0917

I'd struggle to do more than 13mph without stops. I suspect there may be one or two a touch slower than that (no names, no pack drill) and certainly one or two a bit quicker than that.

There are 7 "proper climbs" on the route (that is they're categorised as such on Strava) and another 6 hills. Holme Moss is by far the hardest. Everyone does their own pace up these and, like you say, we regroup at the top or down the other side if it's chilly. Between the hills we keep together


Norven Mankey
And for those interested in such things, I'll try to point out various bird species on the way round. So long as it's not too blustery then upland specialists like Red Grouse, Raven, Golden Plover, Curlew, Skylark should be possible. A bit lower down there will be all the usual woodland species like Nuthatch, Blackcap, Willow Warbler and the typical "garden" birds. Maybe get lucky with Redstart too

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
And for those interested in such things, I'll try to point out various bird species on the way round. So long as it's not too blustery then upland specialists like Red Grouse, Raven, Golden Plover, Curlew, Skylark should be possible. A bit lower down there will be all the usual woodland species like Nuthatch, Blackcap, Willow Warbler and the typical "garden" birds. Maybe get lucky with Redstart too
:laugh: That sounds a bit like "Let's go shopping dear. Starting in the DIY store, then the car showroom and a visit to the tool shop. If we see any clothes shops we can pop in I suppose....."


Norven Mankey
Are we having a singer in the pub again? I'm only coming for the beer, is Mossy going to make a guest appearance?

It's a top drawer pub. Robinson's Double Hop IPA, Titanic Stout etc etc.....and some fizzy crap to keep you happy too. @MossCommuter would be very welcome, just 30 minutes by train from Manchester. As would anyone else who doesn't fancy the ride but does fancy a couple of beers

The plan is to drag @Kestevan into the pub too cos after that he'll still have to cycle over Holme Moss to get home. I want to hear the epic tale of ascending the Moss after drinking a few pints of stout
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