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Velo, boulot, dodo
Well I can. For me it depends whether it hurts or not, normally it doesn't. I only get the occasional small one.

I just wait for them to go away, help 'em along with Anusol, eat more fibre.

However if I developed a bad case or if they didn't shrink in a couple weeks I'd probably see my doctor.


Legendary Member
near Hornsea
Last winter I had a bad case of them & I didn't ride for about 3 months :biggrin: I did try but an hour in the saddle caused weeks of pain so I rested off. I'd say if you can cycle without any discomfort or pain afterwards you'll be fine, bur prob best to check with the doc ;)


New Member
south wales
try the cream prep h then try a little ride to see how you go, keep on using the cream once they have gone for around a week ,done it for me

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
You have my sympathy. I was signed off work for a week last year with 'em, and I can't imagine cycling would have helped them get better - I could barely sit down, never mind ride a bike.
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