Pinarello Paris thrashes Pinarello Prince!

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Yes its true. Last month my Paris thrashed a Prince! My friend challenged me to a race within an indoor circuit. It had to be indoors because there was loads of snow and ice. Anyhow, he's much younger than me and lighter in body weight. However, it didn't make a slight difference, I just nailed him. Perhaps I just have more beans in my legs, being the old git! I think he was completely shocked, even the crowd watching were amazed. Just goes to show, its not all in the bike, its the rider. After the race, I spent around an hour on the Prince and whilst its a great bike, to my mind, there wasn't a great deal of difference. Perhaps the frame was slightly stiffer and slightly lighter, but thats it. To be honest, I think you would need to be a racing god to notice an amazing difference. Good old Paris, she's amazing and I love her! Saddly, the Prince lost his crown !


Well-Known Member
South Beds
Did you forget to take your medication today Warren?

Let me get this straight then....your friend challenged you to a race and because it was icy outside you arranged for the race to be indoors on a special circuit with a cheering crowd and everything. Despite your weight disadvantage, your superior experience meant you beat him and his flashy bike??? And then you went out for a ride on his bike and it wasn't much cop....

Your threads are nothing if not amusing.


cheadle hulme said:
Let me get this straight then....your friend challenged you to a race and because it was icy outside you arranged for the race to be indoors on a special circuit with a cheering crowd and everything. Despite your weight disadvantage, your superior experience meant you beat him and his flashy bike??? And then you went out for a ride on his bike and it wasn't much cop....

Your threads are nothing if not amusing.

No, the croud wasn't there for this race. Its a big indoor circuit which many people use. The race was a personal thing. Got it!

Some of these places you can book a time slot. Yes, I did try his bike out after. Also, my friend bangs on about his Prince, I was expecting it to be like a bolt of lightning!


Well-Known Member
South Beds
Nicensleazy said:
...but I just sold the Paris

Nicensleazy said:
Good old Paris, she's amazing and I love her!

So much for that...



New Member
what! how much did you loose from what you paid to what you sold it for...

so hang on... in the sapce of 24hours you have gone from loving the bike to it being sold??


I was probably under the misguided impression that you couldnt take geared bikes onto a velodrome circuit.. they had to be fixed and a certain clearance height to be allowed to go round a track...?
As you mention, it always is about the rider and not the bike..
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