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Mr Pig

New Member
buggi said:
I don't suffer from it at all.

Neither does my wife.

I do though!


Auntie Helen said:
Don't get it; I find HWMBO has more mood-swings that I ever do, his are related to stress/tiredness.

I wasn't going to respond to this thread but then you made me realise that it's me - not my wife - that is the moody/over-sensitive one around here. If anyone's going to go off the deep end it's definitely me, and usually because I'm tired or stressed - exactly as you say!


Senior Member
SE London
I used to suffer from the lot when I was younger - tears, rants, spontanious combustion..but I have definitely mellowed as I have got older.

Maybe it's because I no longer have to share a flat with lazy, good for nothing males and have a place of my own :laugh:


Flyingfox said:
Maybe it's because I no longer have to share a flat with lazy, good for nothing males and have a place of my own :laugh:


As a lazy good for nothing male, I similarly enjoyed a place of my own so I didn't have to face being told what to do all they time! :sad:
It was hell when there was the missus and 2 teenage daughters all being hormonal, but now a lot better since I only have the missus and 1 hormonal teenage daughter living here now :laugh:

I fibbed :smile:


Flying_Monkey said:
Why is Yenners so obsessed by periods? This is second thread on the subject recently!

Show me ?


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Since you ask...

I vary - some months I can feel the depression descend on me, some months, I find I'm weepy all of a sudden and then realise, some months I hardly notice. It's the same with pain, mostly I'm ok, nothing more than a slightly crampy stomach or an aching back, some months I have to take to my bed with a hot water bottle. Sometimes if I happen to be busy or distracted, I hardly notice any discomfort. I've never properly studied it, but there doesn't seem to be a firm connection between the strength of the mental and physical symptoms.

Living alone, I don't know how it affects others - maybe I'm a tad snappier sometimes, but sometimes I'm like that for a million other reasons anyway. Luckily the men I have shared life with have tended to be the understanding type.

My sister reckons that post-natally, she's noticed that she becomes more clumsy.


Senior Member
buggi said:
I don't suffer from it at all. i don't get period pain and i don't get bad tempered. am I one of the lucky few or ....

is PMT only made up by men to secure the one time of the month they can get away with ANYTHING.

For example, of course, it is the woman who has got the problem, it's all down to PMT, not the fact that they went out, got bladdered, shagged the local barmaid in the pub carpark and came home at 5am and pist in the wardrobe. The woman is OBVIOUSLY making a mountain out of a molehill because it's her "time of the month".


I think that should be "pissed"
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