Poorly, ill, sick and bad.

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I've done my back in and should be flat on my back in bed:sad:

I've managed four hours of doing sod all but just had to get up for tea and emergency bikkies.

The doctor says to speed up recovery I should recieve lots of cake and small presents to keep my spirits up;)

Ah well, back to bed.
Sympathy, virtual cake and virtual small presents winging their way to you.:biggrin:
Hilldodger said:
I've done my back in and should be flat on my back in bed:sad:

I've managed four hours of doing sod all but just had to get up for tea and emergency bikkies.

The doctor says to speed up recovery I should recieve lots of cake and small presents to keep my spirits up;)

Ah well, back to bed.

No lifting required then? :biggrin:

Get well soon, Rog. :biggrin:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
HEy Rog, I saw this yesterday and got side tracked before I could reply. Virtual cake on the way from me too. Also, a virtual bacon butty.


Legendary Member
According to the Department of works pensions they state having a bad back and resting is a NO NO, one should carry on doing your normal job at work as resting will only make it worse and stiffen up, I kid you not....but those b*****ds wouldn’t know a bad back if it hit them in the face:biggrin:
take it easy


sunny Leicester
Landslide said:
What you could really do with is someone to fetch the biccies and wotnot...

...I hear Juliette Binoche is at a loose end at the mo?:biggrin:



Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Those of us here very first thing waited with baited breath to see if I had a boss, and the crew had a Gromit.

I won...;)
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