Products you miss

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Legendary Member
Or don't miss. Doesn't matter. Products of the past that are no longer with us, from 8 track players to Toffos.

I'll start. Compilation albums of BBC tv show theme tunes. What was that all about? Who bought them?

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
My parents did for me, mine had the Pink Panther on. I love that bit of music.

I miss Mint Cracknel. Don't think you can get it now.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Guards vans on trains that you could throw your bike in and sit there with it.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
We used to get sent to see the lab tech in his lair at school if we sat on chewing gum for a bit of 1,1,1 cleaning product applied direct to the gum. I presume the fact that you can't get it anymore means I will die a slow lingering death?
It was rumoured to be able to dissolve subcutaneous fat through your skin.
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