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Just make sure you don't go too thick with the rim tape as it can make getting some tyres back on a right PITA
I guess. I've haven't used it for years TBH, but a couple of layers should be OK, although why you'd bother with the cost of rimtape is beyond me really.

I recently bought THIS rimtape for some new wheels that came without, does what it says and gives the appearance it'll last years :thumbsup:

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Maybe it's just a soft or weak tyre,and no matter what you do you'll keep having punctures till you replace it. I bought a new bike the other month and it had these on http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?hl=en&sugexp=les;&gs_rn=1&gs_ri=hp&cp=22&gs_id=15&xhr=t&q=continental ultra race&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.1357700187,d.d2k&ion=1&biw=800&bih=485&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=12498273735246042343&sa=X&ei=PqjyUNqDIdOR0QWNgYHYDA&sqi=2&ved=0CFcQ8gIwAA I'm not saying they're a bad make but the rear was either puncturing too easily or it kept losing air, slow puncture style. I replaced the consistent puncturing rear one with one of these http://www.amazon.co.uk/Schwalbe-blizzard-Sport-700x23c-Postage/dp/B003PNLUJO and touchwood i've solved the problem.


Well-Known Member
Hemel Hempstead
Couldn't face any more punctures, so I went to Halfords and bought two new tyres, and two new tubes. Obviously there's something in the old tyre I can't find. The old tubes, with a few patches on now, have become spares, and the old tyres are in the bin. Problem solved!
Thanks for all the suggestions, many of which I tried first, but sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and get your wallet out!


Über Member
When I rode to work (I am now retired) I found that tyres would last a certain period and then they would start to puncture. I normally assumed that after three punctures I would have to replace the tyre cover. This was the case whatever the brand of tyre. It seemed that the material softened or at any rate changed and became more liable to puncture. Once - well it is an accident, twice - well perhaps, three times - the tyre is telling me it is time to replace it.


Legendary Member
Assuming you've checked carefully for thorns / glass remaining in tyre, and felt for spokes or anything sharp pushing through the rim tape, then I'd be inclined to try another tyre if repeatedly pucturing. I was getting weekly punctures despite doing the above, but it obviously had a hidden problem in a seemingly OK tyre of a well regarded pucture resistant type at that. No problems since. I think it was a nick in the inside canvas - which I'd convinced myself couldn't be the problem. Basically if puctures keep on happening despite care, then new tyre's my advice.


Senior Member
London UK
Yep I am in the same boat I keep on getting punctures I think I am on my 9th on my front but strangely I haven't had a rear puncture yet.
I need to get a decent set of tyres as my hybrid has crap tyres on 8 of the punctures have been thorns and only one was a piece of glass.
It's not a Voodoo with stock tyres is it by any chance?
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