Recommend a song that made you tingle.

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Legendary Member
Come on, we've all heard a song in the last year or two that made the hair on our necks stand on end. Don't keeo it to yourself but share it with the world. Has to be recent, though and preferably a hidden gem that caught you by surprise.

I'd like to start with "John saw that number" by Neko Case. Outstanding in every respect, that is.
"Joe's Waltz" by The Dodos or "Sooty and Sweep" by Invocal.

Gerry Attrick

Lincolnshire Mountain Rescue Consultant
This does it for me every time. Simply breathtaking. To clear up any doubt, it is Barbara Bonney.



Über Member
Back in the Day by The Good the Bad and the Queen a real gem of an instrumental tucked away on the B side of Herculean. No doubt it will turn up on a Tarrantino Soundtrack one day.


Legendary Member
palinurus said:
Sorry about ignoring your request for recent stuff. I heard this a while ago and I almost wept, it's the vocal harmony thing. Probably only works on my brain tho'

Heptones: Cool Rasta

Stupendous! No need at all to apologise about reminding us of the supreme beauty of this song. And what a simple yet effective film clip to go with it. I followed that up by watching their "Book of rules" and it's going to be a You Tube reggae night now!

Isn't it strange That princes and kings,
And clowns that caper In sawdust rings,
And common people Like you and me
Are builders for eternity?


Velo, boulot, dodo
I like to use YouTube as a jukebox, someone had tagged a load of videos as being Kurt Cobain's favourite 50 tracks (or something similar). Ms. P and I enjoyed most of those. Especially The Shaggs.
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