Regent's Canal towpath - time to ban cyclists?

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Heavy Metal Fan
I used to ride it regularly back in '92, and it was often spookily quiet.

I'd ban the ringing of bells, put up 5mph signs (on a do-this-when-someone's-looking basis) and tell people to say "excuse me".

Mind, the alternative road routes aren't exactly much cop.
I agree that 12mph is plenty fast enough for a busy shared route, however I also see no problem with bells. I rarely say excuse me unless it is very quiet and I know that the person in front can hear me. otherwise, I use the bell and then say thank you afterwards. I struggle to say excuse me in a tone that is not condescending!
Just cycled all/parts of three canals over the weekend - Rochdale/Ribble Link and Lancaster - I'll stick pics/report up elsewhere but it was a pleasure to give a little ding dig and be waved/thanked back.

I never say excuse me for those that the bell doesnt work on - people often wonder whats going on. Instead I say 'Bicycle!' in a little sing songy voice and people get the gist of whats coming.
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