Rough calculator for reach?

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I find my drop-bar converted hybrid a little uncomfortable after a while, and I think it's because the bars are too low compared to the saddle, and because there is slightly too much reach.

I can fix the height fairly easily as it is a 1" threaded steerer, so I can buy one of these long converters and stick any old stem on. The converter should get me up to 3 inches of vertical stem, plus whatever height the bar-holding part of the stem has.

However, I don't want to have to buy a load of bar-holding stems to get it right, so I just wondered if any one knew of any back-of-an-envelope type calculations to work out roughly what reach I need?



The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
How about elbow on nose of saddle to finger tip + two fingers width, to back of bars? Works for me, sort of .....
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