Selling advice needed for an old Woodrup

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Well-Known Member
Don't know if this is on the right forum but couldn't see anything in the FS section regarding advice.... anyhow

I have an old Woodrup bike.
It has Campag gears on it, 7 speed cassette at the rear and 2 chain rings not sure what size but I think the largest is 54T

I has cinelli bars on it and the hubs on the old wheels are Campag but these wheels have not been fitted to the bike in years as I think the rear one got buckled.

What I'm after is advice as to whether I should advertise it on somewhere like here on CC or better off putting it on Evilbay? or if its collectable?

Any thoughts
There is a For Sale section in the Community bit of this forum doodles. Photos are usually a great help (of the bike of course - not you:smile: )


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
doodles said:
Don't know if this is on the right forum but couldn't see anything in the FS section regarding advice.... anyhow

I have an old Woodrup bike.
It has Campag gears on it, 7 speed cassette at the rear and 2 chain rings not sure what size but I think the largest is 54T

I has cinelli bars on it and the hubs on the old wheels are Campag but these wheels have not been fitted to the bike in years as I think the rear one got buckled.

What I'm after is advice as to whether I should advertise it on somewhere like here on CC or better off putting it on Evilbay? or if its collectable?

Any thoughts

Woodrup bikes are sound though they don't have the same sort of cachet as Mercian and Bob Jackson on the handmade front. Steve Woodrup is still making frames and most of them go oversees. Things are collectable if enough people covet them. Woodrup frames don't appear to have that universal appeal.

As a buyer, I have found prices to be in my favour when frames and bikes are bought through cycling forums. Ebay works in the sellers favour with some items, especially if 'suitable for fixed wheel conversion', is included in the description.
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