Shed Security

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Ok, for my forthcoming birthday my dad come up with a 6 x 4 shed for me (we put it up yesterday - I was very good at making tea and handing him nails).
Now, I was thinking of putting my old bike in it as I very rarely use it nowadays. It hasn't got any locks on it as of yet, and it doesn't look very secure to me (you could probably just get a cordless drill and unscrew the door off rather than break the lock, or smash the plastic window and climb through it).
Anyways, any ideas on the best way to make it more secure? The garden gate is aways padlocked anyway, so they'd have to try and lug stuff over the wall/fence if they did break in (my garden is across the road to the house). I was thinking about getting a padlock for the door, and then some kind of mounting bracket type thing for the inside to screw to the wall/floor to lock the bike / lawnmower etc to as an extra treat for the potential thief.
The floor base is wood, the floor bracket I saw in B&Q yesterday is probably OTT as it is meant for concreate. any ideas on brackets I could use?


New Member


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I've heard good reports of the shed shackle..

You might also want to replace the screws in the door etc, with security screws - you can tighten them, but not undo then, thanks to the shape of the slot in the head. (I guess if you ever want to dismantle the shed, you have to drill them out and start again...)

Night Train

Maker of Things
To save the trouble of security screws just drill out the cross in the pozidrive screws.
A ground anchor is a good idea, I have one to secure my trailer. Just be sure that, if it is a long anchor, you don't screw it into a drain.

You can also get a wireless shed alarm that sounds in the house so you know is someone is messing at night or evening.

Mr Pig

New Member
We've got five bikes in our little shed and it's really insecure. Just the other day I had to spend an hour reassuring it that we're not getting a bigger shed soon ;0)


Coach bolts are another option - I've used them to secure the hinges on my garage side door which for some reason has shed-door type hinges. As they go all the way through the door, I'd imagine they're a lot more difficult to prise out than screws are.

Night Train said:
To save the trouble of security screws just drill out the cross in the pozidrive screws.


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Night Train said:
Just be sure that, if it is a long anchor, you don't screw it into a drain.

I am guessing that you put that one down to experience ? :biggrin:


In the garage, I lock my bike to the big steel frame of a bunk bed. I think this will deter any would-be bike thief.


Legendary Member
Another vote for coachbolts, they're holding the hinges on my shed and I put two new locks on with them as well. I put decent padlocks on too. I feel much happier now :biggrin:


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Maz said:
In the garage, I lock my bike to the big steel frame of a bunk bed. I think this will deter any would-be bike thief.

You make your kids sleep in the garage ? makes note to self to look up the number for childline "hello, can I speak to Esther please" :biggrin:
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