Smut, filth and innuendo

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Well someone had to mention it! Just so all the ex cake stoppers feel really at home here is a thread purely dedicated to the above.

In particular feel free to discuss any illicit relations you've had with:
members of the same/opposite sex whichever way you're inclined
your right/left hand

but not:
dead things
inanimate objects
orifices not meant for rude behaviour

Well, off you go, then... keep your tongues firmly in cheek (your own) :blush: :rolleyes:

Could you please list the "orifices not meant for rude behaviour" just to see if your list coincides with mine.

Which one of us is wierder?


Smutmaster General
D'you think it might "go down" further?


It's like nothings changed, unfortunately that list excludes any of my stories though.

If you include melons as inanimate objects that is. :blush: :rolleyes: :thumbsup:


Last of the Summer Winos
I once lived with a girl who was so stupid she could almost be an inanimate object - does she count?

Actualy - thinking about it i'm not sure she could count = leastwise not above 3 :blush:

Graham O

New Member
Fnaar said:
D'you think it might "go down" further?

Reminds me of a joke which can be adapted to this thread:

What's the difference between a tyre on a Rolls Royce and a female BikeRadar forummer?

Even a Rolls Royce tyre will go down on you eventually! :blush:

Okay, I know it's in bad taste. I'll get my coat. :rolleyes:


N Ireland
Kirstie said:
In particular feel free to discuss any illicit relations you've had with:
members of the same/opposite sex whichever way you're inclined

Well, off you go, then... keep your tongues firmly in cheek (your own) :rolleyes: :laugh:

I note that you ask others to give details without giving any yourself.

Is this a form of cyber voyeurism :blush: :thumbsup:
As the originator of the C+ thread on rude orifaces (or one particular rude oriface), I do hope it did not upset anyone. However, I do feel the posts on the subject were all in the friendly and non-intimidating manner for which the old Cake Stop was renowned. Does inanimate objects include blow-up dolls?

The poll facility here could reveal a fascinating and accurate picture of the sexual practises of the average cyclist because of it's anonimity, though we should tread warily to begin with as we do not want to abuse the hospitality of our new hosts and we need to understand the boundaries to which they are prepared set. They might get the impression that we are all repressed perverts rather than enlightened individuals with a healthy interest in biology.

With apologies to those who actually are repressed perverts, even dirty old men need a hug now and again.
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