So when one is being ignored, what if?

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Pale Rider

Legendary Member
I've been put on an ignore list on another forum.

While I'm really not too fussed about it, I am curious to know what the other bloke will see if:

I create a new thread.

I reply to one of his posts, quoting it.
Probably a blank message. I have seen threads started by someone who is on my ignore list and you just see ablank message box. I was wondering what was going on until I saw who had posted it.
Pale Rider

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
It was a typical childish forum spat, he called me something nasty pretty much out of the blue.

I responded, as I'm inclined to, by trying to be even more obnoxious and abusive.

The mods quite reasonably deleted both posts and that was it.

Cheeky beggar has now put my forum name as 'ignored' on his signature line.


Norven Mankey
You're ignored


Bird Saviour
It was a typical childish forum spat, he called me something nasty pretty much out of the blue.

I responded, as I'm inclined to, by trying to be even more obnoxious and abusive.

The mods quite reasonably deleted both posts and that was it.

Cheeky beggar has now put my forum name as 'ignored' on his signature line.
If you can see his sig line, surely you're not really ignored? My sister defriended me on Facebook. I suppose that counts as the same thing. I think her next move may be to throw marsh mallows at my head. That should really hurt LOL
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