Solar battery storage

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Legendary Member
Currently have a 16 panel, 5kW domestic solar system. Chateau D'Drago is South facing and has a large roof expanse, so the system hammers out the electrons and I'm very happy with it.

I'm now thinking about some kind of battery system to further decrease my reliance on the National grid, and would appreciate any thoughts, tips, advice or observations from anyone who already owns such a system.



Currently have a 16 panel, 5kW domestic solar system. Chateau D'Drago is South facing and has a large roof expanse, so the system hammers out the electrons and I'm very happy with it.

I'm now thinking about some kind of battery system to further decrease my reliance on the National grid, and would appreciate any thoughts, tips, advice or observations from anyone who already owns such a system.

Im not going to be much help but if you don't mind an eves dropper l will watch the thread because l am currently (no pun intended) trying to instal a solar power system on the field shelter where we have our horses :sun:


Legendary Member
Oh, that's interesting Steve. I wonder if we'll start seeing incentives to fit battery systems soon?


Of course the big boys may take an interest, they were pretty late to the solar scene so may have learned a lesson. I assume EDF, British Gas etc will have people exploring how to make money / manage risk to margins.

Leasing the batteries, maintenance contracts, holistic tarrifs for the whole installation? Or maybe virtual storage, your leccie in their remote batteries (at a small charge of course)

The whole renewables area is fascinating....
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