Songs which beg to be sung by somebody else ...

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Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
I haven't a clue where this came from but last night while transferring a pizza from cardboard box to plate (I was feeling particularly sophisticated) it occurred to me that Amy Winehouse's celebrated and very catchy hit Rehab would be better served by being sung by Norris out of the newsagent's in Coronation St. You just need to remember his voice and mannerisms. The chorus, delivered while absently and worriedly stroking his neck:

They tried to put me in rehab
I said no, Rita, oh no

Now there must be other examples which spring to mind ...


Europe Endless
'Are Friends Electric' to be sung by Marvin the Paranoid Android, with a backing vocals by Daleks and Cybermen.

'Who wants to live forever?' by Captain Jack from Torchwood


Gordon Brown doing "Heaven Know's I'm Miserable Now" :rofl:


"What difference does it make", sung by Gordon Brown or "Back to the Old House" pointing at number 11 Downing Street. :rofl:


Winnona Ryder and Richard Madley dueting on "Shoplifters of The World..."

On this theme, iirc there's a milding amusing video of Bernard Manning covering Smiths songs on Youtube.
The bloke from the Halifax advert (is it Howard) will now have to sing the high-pitched angelic song on the Lloyds advert*.

*Cant think what it is called.

Rhythm Thief

Oh yes, great idea. Done really slowly through a bullhorn, with a pump organ wheezing away in the background.
Come to that, a Pogues cover of "Singapore" would be worth hearing too.
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