As the man lay there, trying to desperately stem to flow of thick, sticky blood- which was soaking his stomach and a red gleam to the shiney letters spelling BONJ which were integrated onto the belt buckle given to him the previous Christmas by the very wife which had just shot him.
Twenty nine years ago, a woman of tiny proportions (commonly refered to as a migit) claimed to have slept with the Prince of Wales. Nine months later and twins were born, unfortunately causing the death of their mother in the process. These two boys were born with very odd circumstances...all was healthy...apart from the hair. Both boys were extremely hairy, and each hair that grew out of one boy, also grew out of the other...leading to the twins being joined by their hair. There would be a link which bonded these boys forever...although the hair was severed, the twins would share injuries, if not the exact injury then one of similar proportions.. no matter how far apart they were.
*back into real time*
Completely unaware of the trouble his brother, Bonj, was in, Chuffy cursed his luck. He had overslept. "Sod work today" he mumbled as he knocked a bottle of white lightening off the bedside table during his amusing atempt to crawl out of bed. Head on fire from the previous night's drinking, Chuffy realised his day had got a whole lot worse. Looking down, between his legs, he saw the thing he feared most. Little black spikes of hair, staring at him, laughing at him. Stubble. As he screamed in despair, Chuffy ran into the bathroom and grabbed his bluntened razor. He was careful..almost artistic in his fluid hand movements which stripped his piston of the cruel stubble. All of a sudden, Chuffy felt a familiar pang in his heart, something had happened to his brother. This pang made him jump slightly, causing the blunt razor to do it's damage. At first the blood began to trickle out, then it came in gushes.
"Oh god"...said Chuffy .......