Stripping Cleat Plates - Is it me?

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Über Member
Went on a tentative ride at the weekend, clipless for the first time, and managed to strip the threads in the cleat plates (the ones that sit in the shoes), leaving the cleats and bolts in the pedal (Shimano 520s). The shoes are cheapo Lidl ones, and used for 2 years before going clipless, so I'm blaming the inferior quality of the plates, and I've got 2 new Shimano cleat plates on order, and will try again at the weekend, so I'll give it another try.

Am I doing something wrong, or is this to be expected? Is the tension set too tight, causing me to wrench the bolts from the cleat plate when unclipping? With cleat plates at £4/shot, I'm not keen to repeat this experience - toe clips were infinitely cheaper.

Any advice gratefully received.


Marie Attoinette Fan
No idea what you are doing the lidl plates on my previous pair lasted for years, grinding up Dundas St, the mileage on the current pair isn't substantial yet. I've heard of others having problems with SPD's but touch wood I have never, I take it you are pre greasing them up and tightening equal (ie 1 turn on the left bolt, 1 turn on the right, 1 turn on the left, etc, etc). Maybe you are right your tension is set too tight and your lifting up too hard when you unclip instead of moving the ankle slightly.

jay clock

Massive member
I had the same problem with Lidl shoes and a 520 cleat. And never with other shoes. So prob the shoes


Legendary Member
Problem is that to ensure you don't lose the cleat the bolts have to be done up tighter than the cheese from which the shoe plates in the Lidl shoes are made of can stand.
Shimano plates should cure the problem.


Über Member
Thanks for response guys - I'll look at the pedal tensions to ensure OK, and hope that the new cleat plates solve my problem. If not, I'll be getting some proper Shimano shoes.
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