Stupid girly question re tools

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Middle Earth
So, is there a difference between a took kit for a MTB and a tool kit?
I'm thinking of getting a tool kit as I'd like to learn how to maintain and fix my bike.

Can anyone recommend a kit around £30?
Manly blokey answer - Aldi might still have some cheap toolkits for 20 squid and there's no difference - reverts back to type.


Waiting for the turbo to kick in...
I've just collected the tools over time, either get them when they are cheap on CRC / Wiggle etc... or just bought them when I needed to do a particular job, spreads the cost out and its another excuse to online shop for your bike.

Did get a nice metal toolbox from aldi tho, looks much better than the Tesco bag for life they were living in before.


Another one for buy as you need.
there are some specific tools like cone spanners. Bottom bracket tools and certain extractors/cassette tools.
buy the best you can afford and theyll last for ever.Some of the cheaper stuff is made of rubbish metal and can damage components.
as satnavsaystraight on says it spreads the cost
Manly blokey answer - Aldi might still have some cheap toolkits for 20 squid and there's no difference - reverts back to type.

As above.....

The tools are not the best, but perfectly adequate for a beginner. Then as you become comfortable with the tool, and know it is a worthwhile investment to upgrade to a quality one. This way you get to build a tool kit that you know you will use.

Most shops can provide a similar kit for about the £30

Of course as a Girl - there is the devious route.........

You can buy one of these for your other half:

The Park Mechanic Tool kit at a mere £6,000



Legendary Member
Agree with Emma, just pick them up as you go along. Just don't do what I did and get a very cheap chain tool. Second time of using it the pin bent. I don't have that much so far. The usual allen keys, chain whip and lock ring tools, bottom bracket tool. Only problem is if you have different bikes they sometimes need different tools for the likes of the bottom bracket.

Colin B

Well-Known Member
Bought my wife this as a joke for her birthday didn't go down well but in fairness she said buy me something girly


Middle Earth
Thanks all.
I may just buy as I need and then I know I'll have a tool I'll use again.
First job is changing my says I can use a hex key? but to tighten it afterwards with a pedal spanner (or something like this...I've already forgotten the instructions lol)

young Ed

i just buy the best quality tools when and as i need them i am currently buying par tool as they are expensive but bloody good! :biggrin:

Thanks all.
I may just buy as I need and then I know I'll have a tool I'll use again.
First job is changing my says I can use a hex key? but to tighten it afterwards with a pedal spanner (or something like this...I've already forgotten the instructions lol)
to remove your pedals most need a normal or a thin pedal spanner that fits on flats between the crank arm and the pedal it self
these flats

just remember they both tighten by turning the spanner towards the front of the bike and they both loosen by turning the spanner towards the back of the bike
oh and very importantly is put the left pedal on the left side of the bike and the right pedal on the right side of the bike as otherwise you will strip all the threads! :sad:
they are often marked like in above pic or on the end of the pedal axle with L and R

it is very unlikely but your pedals may just need a big allen key in the end of the axle like this

apart from that it is all the same in regards to direction of tightening/loosening and left pedal on left side and right pedal on right side etc
Cheers Ed

jack smith

Something like this would get you started -

I got an Aldi one and promptly broke the chain tool so that might be link in the set. But I found it useful to get started and then added/improved quality when it became necessary.
ive got the same one from aldi same with the chain tool broke right away but the rest have held up great and i can take the entire bike apart to the bare frame with it, very good! even has a spoke wrench great set! its identical to the planet x one jsut with different branding
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