...is in front of you, and you're approaching a green light. You slow down, as you're planning to turn left, and you don't want to overtake and cut him up. You know the lights well, and you know you've both got plenty of time to go through at green. He then slows down, to a really quite sedate pace, hands on the brakes as he goes doen a very slight slope towards the lights; you look round, can't see why he's slowing down, but you have to follow suit. The light goes amber, then red, and four or five seconds afterwards the cyclist in front goes straight through the red light, and you're left waiting at it, knowing that there was no rational reason why he slowed down, and no reason at all why he should have gone through the red light.
I'm not one of those impatient 'get past them all' cyclists, which is why I dindn't go past him. Would have just been rude to overtake and turn left. But I do resent someone slowing me down so that we miss a green light and then sailing straight on through the red.
Needless to say, he also turned left, and I caught up with him soon enough. Would I have been justified kicking him off? No, probably not, I know.
I'm not one of those impatient 'get past them all' cyclists, which is why I dindn't go past him. Would have just been rude to overtake and turn left. But I do resent someone slowing me down so that we miss a green light and then sailing straight on through the red.
Needless to say, he also turned left, and I caught up with him soon enough. Would I have been justified kicking him off? No, probably not, I know.