Tales from today's commute....

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Fastest commute in of the year which was caused by

1. Spotting a slim cyclist ahead 2 miles in to the commute who I just had to find out who they were as it’s so rare this far out, turned out to be a tough looking middle aged woman.

2. Idiot middle aged woman pulling out on my whilst I was doing 30 mph down Harold hill, it really pissed me off and I overtook her but the adrenaline kept my pace high.

3. 3 builder types in a small car gobbing it off at me for no reason when they overtook, which had me chasing them down through Hornchurch.

4. Met a un-feasibly fast guy on a MTB complete with knobbly tyres going through Dagenham who I just had to catch and overtake to check out if he had a motor, he didn’t but was smashing out a good 20mph+ into a 8 mph headwind/crosswind.

Arrived at work sweaty but grinning like a Cheshire cat.

rugby bloke

Definitely a feel of spring in the air this morning, not enough to bring out the big pelatons though. My train was 15 mins late and I was amazed at how much busier the London streets were. Some proper Boris Bike ducking and weaving was required.

Tin Pot

It was a good ride, so I don't know why I was in a bad mood with it all, very impatient.

As I approached a mini roundabout the guy to my right starts across, then slows, slows to a crawl - expecting me to ride across. He's parked half way over the roundabout looking at me. What the fark is wrong with people? Obey the Highway Code and get your shoot together.

An empty road. Pelican crossing. No one with in half a mile. The light is farking red. What the fark?

Last klick to work, close pass by guess what a white van appropo of nothing. **********er.

Otherwise a good ride in :biggrin:


Über Member
had an unscheduled deflation event about half a mile from work on the way in yesterday morning, bit of glass punctured a gatorskin. My tyre is pretty old though, I think its done 5000 miles so not too bad. The puncture proof stuff has been quite thoroughly defeated on this occasion so I took a very fine piece of wet and dry paper to the inside just to smooth it over. Terrible idea! all that did was separate the fibres and give something for the inner tube to rub on :sad:. Time for a new tyre methinks


What’s the point
nice and dry and not too cold. inner thigh hurting as it cramped getting into bed last night and i think i have strained a muscle.

a few cockwombles out , but was surprised with the van driver who after close passing me apologised at the next lights :eek:


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
Glorious sun on the way in today. Stopped in Alderley Edge to take a photo of a building I am dealing with and one of the GB ladies said a cheery hello as she passed:smile:. Then riding out towards Chelford a guy in full One Pro kit waved as we crossed. Nodded subtly as I didn't want to give the FTKW to much encouragement:whistle:. Checked flyby on Strava when I got in, it was Krisitian House :blush: on his way to do six reps of Swiss Hill:wacko:..... Only downside to the morning was a close pass in Macclesfield.

Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
For the first time in around 20 years cycle commuting, I left my sodding trousers at home!

Had a choice- attend meeting in cycle shorts and T shirt, (I'd remembered my shirt, but I wasn't sure nice ironed shirt with cyle shorts is a great combo) or try on the odd looking jeans that have been sat on top of the lockers without moving for years.
I tried them on - but they must have been about a 50 inch waist - no way were they staying up - not even with an old tie I found to use as a makeshift belt. So sheepishly, I wandered upstairs in my cycling gear wondering who on earth at work is so enormous to need such huge jeans.

Anyway- luckily- the meeting had been put back by an hour- just enough time to ride into Cambridge, buy a new pair of strides, and get back for work. Sorted. Well sorted in a down by £50 kind of way.
I won't be doing that again in a hurry. Nice ride home though in sunshine.
On the way home I spied a cyclist up ahead, a grumpy sod who a while ago when I informed him his tail light did not work told me to mind my own business. Inbetween us was a chap with panniers. We all ended up at a crossing waiting for the lights . Grumpy sod gets his phone out so I prepare to to zip past. Lights go green, pannier fella tells grumpy he can move, grumpy gives him a mouthful. I am relieved I am not the only one he is rude to.
Alarm went off at 0440hrs, I felt awful, bunged up with a snotty cold and possibly a chest infection. No way am I riding in today, so reset the alarm for 0600hrs and close my eyes.
5 minutes later guilt forces me out of bed and onto the bike, and there then followed a surprisingly pleasant 11 miles.
Return journey wasn't bad either even being late off. I am however about to go to bed now!


Dog on a bike
Passed my 400 mile target for February on my last commuting day of the month!!! :wahhey:

No muppets today but I was being insanely careful. Right ear is completely blocked so couldn't hear anything coming up behind me. Used the mirror a lot more than usual. Thankfully syringing is booked in for Friday but why anyone would choose to cycle without being able to hear is beyond me (but that's for the headphones thread!!)


Cycling in the sun
Very cold but lovely sunshine, and at one point I was moving faster than the ambulance on the ring road!!! (No I wasn't going that fast ... just faster than him!!! Makes me annoyed when I see them struggling to get through traffic).


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Very cold but lovely sunshine....now where have I heard that before :whistle:
It really was lovely out there this morning. A great commute apart from the sheer amount of motor traffic blocking up the roads and when roads are blocked then it turns some motons into mental impatient arses, jumping lights just so they get stuck in the middle of junctions. Twits.


In between here and there
Will take the cold crisp morning that this morning was over the warm and windy of what seems like the last 6 months. This is what winter should be like, not checking weather apps to try and decide what amount of stuff to put on once I start wearing a buff and thicker skull cap I should have to wear it everyday for at least 3 months
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