Tapioca pudding.

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Legendary Member
Is that the frogspawn one?

A friends wife made an excellent cake recently using Semolina. Absolutely delicious.


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
Bayerd said:
I'm more a semolina man myself, you can do allsorts with it.

Yes like make it with cream, milk, egg yolk and gelatine and pour it over halved apricots placed at the bottom of ramekins. Chill then turn them out and serve with a source made from cointreau, and pureed orange fruit of choice e.g. mango, oranges, peach, apricots.



Über Member
vernon said:
Yes like make it with cream, milk, egg yolk and gelatine and pour it over halved apricots placed at the bottom of ramekins. Chill then turn them out and serve with a source made from cointreau, and pureed orange fruit of choice e.g. mango, oranges, peach, apricots.


and then there's all the Indian puddings as well, it's great stuff.


Waiting for the great leap forward
The middle bit
If that's the frogspawn one it belongs in the past, with boiled pigs' feet and roast heart, i can still see those valves on the side of the plate.

Semolina on the other hand makes roast potatoes very crunchy when sprinkled over.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Tapioca, sago, semolina. This is nightmare territory. I was forced to eat that stuff as a tiny boy, and they added a bit of stewed fruit ( prunes, apricots etc), from an aluminium dish that resembled the slops from a rather unsuccessful operating theatre.

It quite put me off all puddings for life.


Re member eR
alecstilleyedye said:
semolina with a dollop of jam, brings back memories. as, unfortunately, does the frogspawn…

Yep semolina and jam as well. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

and what about beef dripping on toast with just a little salt??? Heart attack stuff by todays ideas, and I'm not sure I would like it now, but it was a real treat.
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