The great Friday night disco cheese smackdown

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Gentlemen, grab your jackets, roll up the sleeves and have a wee dance in your red patent leather shoes to Mr Bill Ocean:



Cake connoisseur
Noodley said:
Feels Like Heaven
Ooh, I've got the single was one of the songs I used to play when I was having a teenage melodrama and NOBODY understood what I was going through ;):blush:

The first comment on You Tube has spoiled it forever now:
Lolita013 says:
"This was the first song my mom and dad danced to. When I hear it it gives me goosebumps. :-)" :becool:


Crackle said:
Noodley you old shark, this is your wooing music your posting isn't it.

Ladies, ladies, ladies. It's getting late, I'm wearing a paisley pattern shirt, pixie boots and I've drunk a dozen pints. I look hot. Well, I do if you've also had a dozen pints. Everyone else in the room disappears as we catch each other's eye...what is that feeling? Ahhh, it's the Power of Love:


Keep your hands firmly clamped to my buttocks.
Baggy said:
That confused me. I expected Dexy's. Thankfully it wasn't, if I never, ever hear bleedin' Come on Eileen again it will be a blessed relief.

God damn, you're right, it could be. <shudders>
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