The Nod...

Acknolwedge or head down

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Active Member
Just got to mention how nice it is to be part of a sport which (In most cases) respect each other regardless of level, a small nod or acknowledgement from other cyclists, even the simplest ‘Morning!’ or nod just gives you that little boost even though you are being over taken.

There are the odd few who look at you like you just Mooo’ed at them but 9/10 people on my commute will give an acknowledgement. Nice one everyone
I guess the question is do you?^_^


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
If I said hello to everyone on my commute I would lose my bleeding voice there are so many.
But that's London cycling for you.

On the other hand, and as I have posted elsewhere as this topic is bought up on a frequent basis.
If I am on a ride and see another cyclists. It depends on my mood if I say hello or reply back.
Sometimes I just can't be arsed to say hello, sometimes I can. And it's no big deal if someone doesn't say hi to me.

So can't answer your poll as you need a 'sometimes' along with the yes and no,


I hadn't thought about Moooing at them, but I will certainly give that one a try next time I pass a rider who doesn't respond. :laugh:


Commuting is a different world to leisure riding. On a busy commute I wouldn't bother waving to every cyclist. I would be like a nodding dog on a car parcel shelf. Around the lanes when just out for a ride then yes, I do acknowledge other riders, and joggers, and horse riders, even old dears carrying their shopping.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
As I mentioned on another thread I don't see that many cyclists on the routes I do so I tend to say hello to everyone regardless of type of bike and I get a response most of the time.^_^

I don't mind simply not getting a response but I don't like the ones who look me up and down then turn away, especially as these are most often on similar (trekking style) bikes to me. (What, am I not good enough to be on the same road as you?)

Contrary to popular opinion I find the roadies some of the friendliest.:thumbsup:


Random Resident
I hadn't thought about Moooing at them, but I will certainly give that one a try next time I pass a rider who doesn't respond. :laugh:

Went past a cow last year that was lay in a field and i Mooed at it , it just looked at me like i was one of them strange cyclists who nod , turned its head and carried on chewing the cud.


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
I try to nod,say good morning or whatever to the five or so cyclists I see on my ride in. There's one rider who never acknowledges others but the rest seem quite normal.

There's a friendly chap walking a lovely German Shepherd I see who always says Good morning with a wave... even though I don't ride that way every day, he seems to recognise me.


Legendary Member
I was hemmed in on the move by a group of lycra clad French riders the other day. They were mosty women in the 30-40 age group. It was very odd because I live out in the wilds in Denmark and don`t see many French riders.

As we went a long the group got slower and slower and the French ladies were giggling, until we came to a complete stop. I was in the middle of all this sweat and lycra....French lycra :tongue:

They all wanted to have a go on my Kickbike. So we sat around chatting for 20 minutes while they all had a test ride.

I love this cycling cameraderie. ^_^



Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
I will always wave or acknowledge other riders regardless of what type of bike they are on.
I got caught by a rider from the Rapha team on my way to work the other day and the guy cycled beside me for about 5 or 6 miles, we had a good chat then he peeled off for his training run and we wished eachother well. You simply wouldn't get that in any other sport.
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