The rain in Spain.........

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Active Member
Malaga, Spain
It 'aint all sunshine and warmth here, 'ya know. No chance of getting out today, howling winds and torrential rain. The track outside our gates is full of puddles. When it rains here it does it like it means it. Someone once discribed living in Spain as 'like camping', it's great i the sun, but bloody awful in the rain'.


New Member
It does "proper" rain in Spain.

Dries out a damn sight quicker though!!
I remember when I was 12 we holidayed in Rome - brilliant sunshine most of the time, but when it rained it was like someone had turned on a giant power shower in the sky!
Ages ago I remember a similar experience at Ostia - near Rome - waterspouts in the Med, flooded campsite, sleeping bags floating away, and all that. Would have been a bit before your time, 1960s.

And more recently, camping at Calella, to the NE of Barcelona, town flooded to knee-deep, everything drenched. It all dried out next day, though.


Legendary Member
Yes, I spent winter in Andalucia in my third year; it was ghastly. Every time it rained water poured under the door and flooded the room as there was no threshold. When I got back after Christmas at home and opened my wardrobe I thought I was hallucinating because all I could see were green furry clothes - everything had gone mouldy!


Active Member
Malaga, Spain
[QUOTE 1204418"]
My boss has been in Andalucia all week on hols riding horses.

Has it been raining there?

I'd like to know whether she'll be back in the office as refreshed as John Wayne after leaving a saloon; or as miserable as a trawlerman in a North Sea Storm with an empty hold.

To be fair, it's been really good up until Friday evening. it was ideal riding weather (horses, cycles or moto's).

Temperatures in the high 20's, and always a breeze or more in the afternoons.

HOWEVER, come Friday evening, it all changed, very heavy showers, and last night some thunder storms.

Most of the off road routes will now be well waterlogged, and a load more potholes will have appeared in the 'surfaced' roads.

Now, at 10:00 on Sunday Morning, the rain has stopped, the sun has burnt off the thick fog and it's mainly clear blue skies and around 20c.

Last winter it rained from 3 days before Christmas day, virtually non stop until April. Statistics showed that we only had 12 days without rain in 12 weeks. And as I've said it's not the annoying drizzly stuff you get in the UK, this is mainly heavy and very heavy. On Christmas day it rain heavy for 24 hours non stop, and one weekend in March for 36 hours non stop.
On February 16th we had to evacuate the house as we had 1 m deep water on the plot. luckily we only had 50mm in the house as I had built a 'flood gate' (following the last flooding 6 years previous, when we had 2 feet of water in the house).

So you see it's not all beer and skittles sangria and sunbathing..................:tongue:
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