The Salford Sioux

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Doubt it


Pulling through
Is Ryder romanticising? His story reminds me of some words spoken by Tony Wilson (or possibly Coogan as Wilson) about '24-hour Party People'. From memory he says something like 'The film gets almost every fact wrong but still tells the truth'.

Is anyone on this forum descended from the Salford Sioux? I know a woman from Liverpool who claims Sioux ancestry. She says her earwax is genetically scaly rather than wet/waxy, which proves it. I only have her word for it.

btw, book sounds a candidate for my holiday read so cheers!



Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
Is anyone on this forum descended from the Salford Sioux? I know a woman from Liverpool who claims Sioux ancestry. She says her earwax is genetically scaly rather than wet/waxy, which proves it. I only have her word for it.

Tell her to shave her ear canals and the dandruff will disappear.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
[QUOTE 2619878, member: 1314"]
Are Salfordians really that tough?
I lived at the edge of Salford in the mid 1980s, in Chapel Street, above one of the shops.

When I first moved there, I decided to go for a jog round the city to see what it was like. (I was nearly lynched when I made the mistake of referring to it as a district of Manchester!) What can I say ... the areas I ran round all looked a bit rough! I ended up on an estate with some hard-looking teenagers sitting on a wall, and they appeared to be considering whether or not it was worth their while getting down and trying to catch me to give me a good kicking. I burst into a sprint to get away from the immediate danger zone. Cries of "We'll 'ave ya next time, mate!" ringing in my ears ...

Salfordians on that estate seemed to have developed their own electronic goods recycling system - if their TV broke, they simply opened their window and lobbed the set out, even if they were on the 9th floor of a tower block! At any rate, there were a lot of smashed tellies lying about which had clearly fallen from a great height. I assume that the local council sent out trucks every few days to collect the remains of them.

I once caught a bus past what looked like a WWII bomb site, deep in Salford. There was an open fire on that patch of derelict land with a DIY spit above it, on which was cooking what might have been a skinned rabbit, but with dread I realised that it looked awfully like a skinned cat! :eek:

I arrived in Salford about a week before my university course started so I decided to embark on a nightly tour of the nearby pubs to see if one could become my local, for the 3 years I would be there. What were they like? Put it this way - after 3 nights in Salford's pubs, I gave up drinking! Every time I walked into a busy pub, it was like a scene from some old wild west movie - a hush fell on the locals, and they all turned and glared at me, Then the muttering would start ... I took 5 minutes to drink my first pint, 3 minutes to drink my second in another pub, 1 minute in a 3rd. By the time I got to the 4th pub, I had to switch to halves so I could get out of the pubs quicker! I drank the last half while the barman was sorting out my change. I gave up.

Nothing to do but listen to John Peel in the evenings, and study! I was doing that one Friday night when what felt like an earthquake struck my part of Salford***. My first floor flat began to shake violently. Then the screams started ... I turned off the radio and discovered that the noise was coming from the pavement below my flat. I turned off the light and peeked through the curtains and spotted 4 drunken thugs trying to throw a young man through the plate glass window of the shop! I didn't have a phone, and couldn't get to a call box to summon the police because I would have had to exit my flat right next to the assailants and I feared for my life if I did. While I was trying to summon up the courage to act, the foursome got bored of trying to kill the 5th guy, and staggered off, leaving him sprawled on the pavement. Phew - he was safe! But then he came round, got to his feet and ran after the other 4, and leapt upon them, triggering off a 5-way brawl which would probably have got really nasty if the participants had been sober enough to kick straight. Then a couple of police cars pulled up and all 5 were arrested.

So, in my experience, Salfordians were not so much tough, as, er, 'strict'! :laugh:

*** There actually was a real earthquake while I was living in Salford. I was asleep in bed, and was suddenly awakened by something slapping my head against the headboard of the bed. (I was alone at the time, before you ask!)


How much does it cost to Oldham?
[QUOTE 2621281, member: 1314"]Other things wot I learnt from Ryder’s far.

He invented acid house raves.

He introduced E’s into the UK.

He made peace and love between all the different football hoolies in the greater Manchester area.[/quote]

A good friend of mine (fotogroforrr at my wedding) is good mates with Shaun and co. He's got some SERIOUSLY good stories to tell. The type that you just know are utter bullshit-gotta be- but there's a nagging doubt in the back of your mind.......If they're true......and if you call him out to his face he'll just set fire to you. Not that he's like that, mind.


Legendary Member
Funny you should mention the TVs Colin; I was sitting in my car recently outside a tower block in Salford waiting for a Sudanese visitor to come down when I noticed that directly underneath a row of windows that go right to the top of the building the pavement slab had been smashed into pieces by something that had fallen from one of the windows; then I realised that the dent in the ground was exactly the size of a televison set....


You must be a youngster then, I remember Holts at 59p a pint on the first night the Dukesgate opened in Little Hulton, a fiver would have done the job.
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