The ultimate expression of decadence

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A thread born from one in P&L... but fear not! :biggrin:

What person or artefact do you think best exemplifies the sheer decadence of the Western world?

I nominate not that woman in America who had octuplets, not the stretch limo, not Jade bloody Goody, but this:

Petster, the electronic pet

All that technology, and for what? These things cost about £120 from the Innovations catalogue back in about 1985, and given how rare working ones seem to be I dare say you'd pay more than that for one on eBay now. Cuh ;)


I bet you've got a vomitorium out the back too, haven't you?

Come on, then - what do lark's tongues taste like?

PS I think "Dr Stan" on that link (under "Petster's Home") can fix your spider!
I'm not sure I agree.

A lot of useful work is being done in Japan on using electronic pets to break down the isolation caused in early dementia. I can see them being very useful in the future.

No, it's still Jade Goody. The fact that a semi-literate, ill-educated, promiscous, foul-mouthed, obese, unemployed-and-unemployable, swindling, immoral chav of the first order can make a living from being a semi-literate, , ill-educated, promiscous, foul-mouthed, obese, unemployed-and-unemployable, swindling, immoral chav of the first order says all that you need to know about the decadence of the early 21C Western way of life. It pains me when I hear that wedding dresses, venues and money are being heaped upon her. We had to buy our wedding dress and pay for our venue. I don't blame the woman herself, but I do think that society is sick.


Twenty Inch said:
...society is sick.
It certainly is! But please - let's keep this thread fit for Café :smile:

Now, what about those artificial fingernails with preternaturally white bits?

They do them with little feathers and doilies on now, you know... :sad:


Legendary Member
Robert Mugabe.


Kirstie said:
That jewell encrusted skull by Damien Hirst. Can't remember it's proper name.
I agree. Oddly called 'For the Love of God'.
Doesn't even have gold crowns on the teeth. Bloody cheapskate...
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