The un-judgemental un-smug green environmental thread

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Legendary Member
So recently there was a thread where safety razors was mentioned, and it veered into the green environmental side of things. I think someone didn't take too kindly to it and expressed an opinion that they liked using disposable razors and mentioned that other people weren't using recyclable products either -and to back off (at least that was my interpretation).

To that end, I thought it would be nice to have an un-judgemental un-smug thread that listed ways people could be greener in their everyday lives in practical ways. Here are my efforts:

-I cycle to my local supermarket when picking up small amounts of items (alas too far to cycle to work)
-I never accept a plastic bag at a shop. I either carry the items or use recyclable bags, or worst case scenario get a brown paper bag.
-I use a metal safety razor with the old fashioned steel razor blades that are recycled.
-I use a fountain pen after years of using disposable pens. While in my work I don't have to write an awful lot, it's been really fine to use after vague memories of using one in my early school years

Any other practical ways to make small differences in everyday life?


1) I always keep those foldable and reusable shopping bags in my handbag and backpack.

2) I actively look for products in recyclable packaging.

3) I'll mend clothing if I can, and keep an old pair of jeans to use for patches.

4) I avoid fast fashion - it's better to have fewer better quality items.

5) I use a menstrual cup rather than disposable sanitary items.


Legendary Member
Bit off tangent, but I see a post my cuz in Oz has put up on Facebook saying that certain species have reappeared in some areas due to the improvement in air/water quality already due to the Covid 19 travel restrictions. Sadly, I doubt anything will be learned and we will all be back to normal when it's all over.


Legendary Member
Every single plastic bag I use or get, gets considered for re-use. Be it for dog poo, to put kitchen waste in etc.
I have stopped buying the heavy plastic shopping bags that only seem to last half a dozen shops, now only have the much heavier ones. They seem indestructible compared to their cheaper brothers.


Legendary Member
Every single plastic bag I use or get, gets considered for re-use. Be it for dog poo, to put kitchen waste in etc.
I have stopped buying the heavy plastic shopping bags that only seem to last half a dozen shops, now only have the much heavier ones. They seem indestructible compared to their cheaper brothers.
I got a couple of really strong jute type bags. Should last for years.


Legendary Member
1. we cycle to the shops 99% of the time.
2. We avoid food waste.
3. We compost as much food waste as we can
4. I use tea leaves, not tea bags.
5. We only boil the water we need( measure it)
6.The TV is never on unless we are sitting down to watch something, ditto PC.
7.We recently changed all the lights to LED.
8.The Fragrant MrsP now works from home ( has done for a year)
9.We are not excessive consumers of stuff we don’t need.
10.When we do buy stuff, it’s bought to last.
11. We never bathe, we only use a shower.
12. We never let water run from the tap unnecessarily.
13. We have water butts in the garden

Most of the above actions were not to be ‘green’ necessarily, but to save money long term.

However, where it all goes wrong we do fly to exotic places and eat in nice restaurants, so we’re basically fecked.


Über Member
Walk to the shops. Being single I don't have "heavy" shops. Just do two/three journeys if I absolutely have to.
Don't have a bath so only shower. Go into shower as I turn it on so get a cold water wake up, stimulation.
Coffee grounds and tea leaves go into separate bin to get dumped into flower beds.
Don't have a lot of food waste, not sure why.
Unplug Tv when not watching so it's not left on standby.
Turnoff computer.
LED/Low energy light bulbs


Just come and live here, garbage bags are £2.50 each for 35ltrs, that soon sharpens your mind about how to reduce your waste, you typically:

1) start changing what you buy based on how you can recycle the packaging (many examples of purchasing behaviour changes once this scheme was introduced)
2) recycling absolutely all things that you can, if you don't they need to go in that expensive garbage bag and hence to you try to avoid that
3) you get good at squeezing a lot into a small garbage bag:laugh:

We went from 5 x 35ltr bags a week (family of 6) and now we use 2 p/wk, we buy differently and recycle like it is an olympic sport:boxing:

Our weakness is still the car, I tried 3yrs ago without it but only managed 2.5 months before giving in.

Oh and if you have children then buy a shower timer (digital timer that sticks onto the wall) as children seem to have little concept of time once in the shower.....
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